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08/28/11 9:38 AM

#29453 RE: Carry #29442

Pullbacks after sharp runups of over 100% are far more the rule than the exception. Add to that the very bad economic background right now that's pulling the whole market and particularly biotechs down";range=1m;compare=^btk+^dji+^ixic;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined

note in the above that KBLB has followed the biotech index very closely (allowing for its higher volatility)

Same thing goes for the last 3 months:;range=3m;compare=^btk+^dji+^ixic;indicator=volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined

Except that the spike is gone. IMHO that's because the spike was because of anticipation that the June CC was going to be the announcement of pure spider silk but it wasn't. Much the same thing happened last year with the announcement of the Monster Silk worms. This time it took a lot longer for the spike to sink back because it's obvious that pure spider silk is a lot closer even if the June CC wasn't it.
(And given all that, the claim some have mad that pure spider silk won't budge the SP at all is patently absurd.)

What's evident from the charts is that what's driving the KBLB SP currently is general market conditions.
That will probably continue until either the pure spider silk announcement or the perception that it is "overdue" (which should not begin for at least another month).

The really nice thing about holding long is not being stressed at all by such waits. A few weeks more or less makes no difference AFAIAC. And with Monster Silk already accomplished, I'm not a bit worried about the possibility of the company failing.

Monster Silk is good enough for a lot of the high tech fiber needs (it's 80% as strong as spider silk). It has the advantage of being biodegradable (and that could be tuned as needed) which could give it a big advantage over artificial non-degradable fibers with similar strength as the push to biodegradables continues to become stronger. And, of course, there's always the silk garments and accessories industry.
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08/28/11 2:19 PM

#29459 RE: Carry #29442

Because kblb has yet to accomplish anything...the goals keep getting bigger and further away...supposedly tons of possibilities all over the place....supposedly kblb has made some silk with 80% strength of spider silk but so far has done nothing further with that...supposedly kblb is talking to someone about that product and about manufacturing facilities and lab facilities and and and...

Probably would be good for the pps if kblb could actually accomplish something with any one of those about credibility...that's the kind that's needed...not names of supposed big shots who are on an advisory board that for all intents and purposes really doesn't even exist..