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08/28/11 1:34 PM

#29456 RE: ZincFinger #29453

HOW Many times do I need to say the obvious here:

IMHO that's because the spike was because of anticipation that the June CC was going to be the announcement of pure spider silk but it wasn't.

CONFERENCE CALLS are NOT for releasing monumental developments. If you think many people listened in on the KBLB CC then you are sorely mistaken. reason: the recent BofA CC had only 4000 listeners.

ZINC, IF WHAT YOU ARE SAYING IS TRUE, THEN WHY DID THE STOCK CRASH BEFORE THE CC. Hrmmm, those people supposedly expecting spider silk announced at the CC only waited til' wednesday..... hrmm

You are still denying the real reason the stock ran up the week prior to the CC. It is quite amazing that you still deny the existence of "pumps"(stock watch alert). You credit any involvement in the PPS that they have as "real".........

I know, you will say i am wrong again or just ignore this and keep posting the same stuff I am replying to.
Challenge: call your local SEC agent, tell him what you think swalert is, and that they are "news" yada yada, and stocks only retreat because they ran up so far, and let me know when he laughs you off the phone.
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08/28/11 3:34 PM

#29462 RE: ZincFinger #29453

if kblb stock follow dow jones, then how do kblb stock go down big time on day dow jones makes great surge up?

i thin kit is wrong to blame every red day on the economy or market, when this stock surge noone credit the economy or dow jones then, why is this?

this stock will go up and it will go down based on decision that mr kim make, and effects direct and effects indirect those decision have.

Due to your recommend, i have put less work on jim cramer teachings, I have attend some seminar recently on stock market and business, my paralegal schooling will start again soon, i would re focus on other study but my father was paralegal, i must honor him, despite the possible to retire right now with lucky lotto ticket last year.

, the dr