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Alex G

08/13/11 12:37 PM

#220796 RE: makesumgravy #220794

I don't know even you've listened to Glen Beck... he is a dispicable human being, he isn't what he proclaims either.

yep, but unfortunately they really love Glenn Beck... the current crop of tea-party/republicans would have been against FDR as well... hell, the current crop of tea-party/republicans would call Reagan a "socialist" because he raised taxes to help bolster the economy... these tea-party people vote against their own interests because they believe the fear-mongering and hate from people like Glenn Beck and Limbaugh


08/13/11 1:38 PM

#220802 RE: makesumgravy #220794

Republicans are not what they are supposed/used to be, either are the democrats. Democrats and republicans alike are influenced by money and the corruption it brings/creates, and a large share of that big money is progressive money. Not All Of It, but a huge part of it (think Soros, Lewis)!

The progressive movement is when it all started to fall apart, and you are right about the timing of it all. Please read my reply to Alex on FDR, it will explain a lot and back up my consensus. Not Beck's consensuses, mine. #msg-66151308.

Glenn Beck, yes I watched him, when he wasn't acting an ass he presented a lot of truth, truth that cannot be denied because he used their own words by their own writings and taped iterations. Do I think Beck is/was 100% right, no, but I think he right a hell of lot more then he is wrong; in fact he was rarely wrong. Hate him if you must, but a truth is a truth weather you agree with it or not. The man used facts that by stand as true and have not been proved wrong, history facts backed him up; this cannot be denied; I think he wrong like five times, and every time he admitted it as soon as he discovered.

My thoughts on the progressive movement in America comes life o both sides of the track; I was raised a very liberal democrat. Later in life my stepson pointed out that I was the most conservative democrat he had ever met. This started a long investigation into my discovery of where I stood. I agree with no party 100%, but I discovered that at that time I was no longer a democrat and registered as republican because the democrats had swung too far left and I did NOT like Clinton who was looking like he was going to be the democrat candidate; however when the election came I voted independent. For me it’s about the candidate, not the party.

Since then I have learned and witnessed even more. I still stand with the GOP principals and they have my support and registration. However, if one were to peg my beliefs they would have a hard time, as I am Constitutionalist Libertarian/Republican with Liberal leaning; in other words I'm Freedom Freak and believe in a small government. I dislike progresses because when you break it down, when you look at it no matter it’s name or the party they are currently hiding in, they are communist; it’s truth and again, history will back we up on this.

Right now the progressives are both parties We The People are in severe trouble. Vote the candidates and drop the party hate mantra, look to beliefs of that candidate, look their backing, look their history. Will I keep posting about progressives and liberal? Hell yes, they are evil. Will I keep posting about democrats? Yes! However, I will post negative stuff on the evil republican’s as well, especially when and because they are usually progressives.

Bottom Line: Our Enemy Is The Elitist & Progresses. It’s THEM against US!

Progressiveness Must Die Today,
In Order That We May Be Free Tomorrow!