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08/22/11 10:15 PM

#221720 RE: ONEBGG #220802

Interesting. Initially I thought Beck might be on to something. Initially I thought he just might be an Independent, in particular when he would say, it doesn't matter what political party you support. It does matter, to him though and in a big way, and the party he supports. He could be perfectly rational one minute then go off on a tangent. I wondered if the guy's bi-polar?. He gives me the impression of being superficial, never mind a little nuts. It appears to me that everyone that has lots of money, hedgies, billionaires, wall street, corporations, etc., supports the republican way.........for me that throws up a red flag........their claim to fame is conservatism, but they like to spend money, lots of it, money that isn't theirs. Approx $10T of national debt excluding the interest can be attributed to them.........

The point I was making earlier was the opposite of progressive is regressive, and Eisenhower warned us of this path. Unless we lived thru the Great Depression, Thank God we didn't, the days of Hoover meant suffering without means of any help, and chances are the other family members were in the same boat.......Most people today live from payday to payday with one foot on the street. Pay is just enough to keep us all coming back.

You said you didn't like Clinton, there's lots to not like about him, but he supported one republican cause that we're living with today. He signed a Bill deregulating the financial industry, he further supported non-regulation of the derivatives market. This market has now grown from $35T when he was president almost eclipsing the so called Big Bang........$595T. Try and wrap your mind around this???????..........He and Hillary came into office in debt, and both have made out very nicely since, mega millionaires..........A far cry from what the president earned in the 30's........and there was no Air Force One, let alone 2. or maybe there's 3?.........what was afforded FDR was a C31 if I'm not mistaken?. He died in office as you know having been elected 4 terms..........what gets me is that Congress passed the law of allowing a president only 2 terms.........but for them it can be a life time.........even if their over 100 if they can keep their supporters..........and the money flowing, yes always the "Money". Ever how things can be fixed so they can remain career keep the money flowing, and the perks coming, and the graft for the peddling of their influence, all at """governments expense, all at taxpayers expense"""

I do agree that alot of fix-in needs to occur in Washington for both parties who largely have control. The problem stems from the ideas of a party, rather than a party with ideas. We've grown into country of people, as opposed to a country, and a people unified for the good of both. We should be working together as a society we can be proud to live in, and serve.

But look at society, and look at those who serve in government. Its a constant clashing of minds. Those who should serve with integrity above all others, are either in Airport toliets trying to hook up, or in Argentina spending time with their soulmates, or playing sex games on the internet. If its not this its stealing postal stamps, or running up unpaid debt in the congressional dining room, or getting drunk an driving into canals. When its not this their stashing huge somes of graft into ice boxes, or breaking and entering........or even better targeting earmarks for their personal beneficial gain, or getting homes refurbished, or remodeled because the contractors liked them so much:)..............

We can't fix the world my friend, if we could we'd be God. The one thing our government could have done was stop with the concessions to a country whose government you dislike, and making them our banker and we their whore. Our government has played a huge role in job displacements, with little to no industry to now support its people, as well as making it beneficial for companies to move abroad, and incorporate themselves with nothing more than post office box for tax favors. American dollars built South Korea, and British pounds built Hong Kong, along with American dollars..........

We've been everything to every country in the world without, and with emerging markets that our own helped to create, and we've witnessed our country, its military, and its good hard working people, and families get sold down the river. More an more bad people are gaining control of our streets and communities, as we fight bad people in countries who hate us. The big question is what has it gotten us this far?....... gang infestation, and If 911 was a payback, what next? termites without Orkin, and with no one looking just to be on the safe side, "one day we're looking at sky", because our roof fell off, and just so happened it was 95o and the dewpoint was near 80. "Is that Oak"? :)