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07/18/11 9:24 AM

#212671 RE: Elan Vital #212670

The unthinkable

is going to have to be huge government order for ERAs that makes people sit up and say, "What are we missing?"
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dig space

07/18/11 11:24 AM

#212685 RE: Elan Vital #212670

alea et al incremental value,

In keeping with the evolution metaphor (and the wing is a poor example as plenty of incremental value steps can be identified like hands and arms on so on, ID folks like to use what Darwin used, the eye, although they seem to be unable or unwilling to acknowledge that it was Darwin that used the eye as the challenge to his notions, I digress) ... so just as photosensitive cells that can trgger a behavior such as bending to light in plants is far from an eye, it represents the incremental value of a necessary component of the eye.

Wave IMO believes they have identified their incremental value item, the killer app, that which gets people over the hump (as email was to the ISP) and is in Wave's view (IMO) the SED.

The SED affords security of data at rest. A TPM hardened SED is particularly robust. Insecurity of data at rest is obvious, palpable, and present. My cat knows the value of keeping the map to the tuna secret. Too often the tuna is gone. Now, data at rest security is not a full blown TNC/NAC implementation, its not a TPM aware IF-MAP, it doesn't block a socially engineered supergalactic phish. Its incremental, it provides security for data at rest (and some other thingys, but lets keep it simple, keep it incremental).

So Wave is all in on SED management. Get people using TPMs as part of their SED-data at rest solution. It is a sliver of the trusted computing platform paradigm.

This incremental thingy (SED) has problems. There are occasions in evolution where the incremental value of a step is entirely novel. In those cases the available niche is rapidly populated with the invention, the invetion explodes onto the scene. SEDs and TPM hardened SEDs have all sorts of FDE thingy's already in place. The migration to the superior form is slower in the face of a well populated but inferior form of largely identical function. Even thogh the previous form is inferior it often does work, and often is not that which determines life or death to a particular individual, and so it persists.

Wave is in a tricky selling position of selling a better widget, while intimating that there is much more behind the trusted curtain, all without spooking folks into the fright of too much change.

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07/18/11 2:53 PM

#212696 RE: Elan Vital #212670

Hi EV,

Please read my last posts as also a response to yours. I sometimes read a few posts, reply to them in a kind of general way but then forget to acknowledge one or another of the original posters at the beginning - for which apologies to many folks.