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05/05/11 3:07 PM

#288023 RE: juju6eight60 #288016

I didn't see much of a bombshell in it. The info has been discussed before. Commons are the highest risk/reward, always have been. Absolute priority has always been on the table. And the recovery for commons is largely about the District Court issues, stayed.

It's been no secret that the POR/GSA abandons the District Court actions. So if the POR/GSA is approved, then much of the "how wamu got taken down" issues, where commons get their recovery, also goes away.

And, as someone posted today, "the road to commons recovery is through the preferreds" -- this has always been true as well. If the POR/GSA can't survive, though, in the process of preferreds getting 'paid' -- then all blows up ... (Eg, the POR, as written today, assumes preferreds {as first-in-line equity} are out-of-the-money -- if that significantly changes, then the POR can't survive because it doesn't represent the revised reality}

Quoting another poster, f.c from Y! - "Commons are, IMO, strictly a bet for or against our judicial system. You can run numbers all day long for any number of permutations of outcomes, and it won't amount to squat if the system doesn't function appropriately. -- F"

And right now, if the POR is approved, we all know it says Preferreds 0-1% via the Liquidating Trust, and Commons=0... so her statements about "if the POR is confirmed" are also well known facts.



05/05/11 4:17 PM

#288051 RE: juju6eight60 #288016

Yes we have known for quite some time that the commons could be a tailspin, but there is always hope. This is why we have been saying leverage the risks by being in the other 3 classes.

WAMPQ is the best buy because of the ratio
WAMKQ is a good buy because contract says it needs to be cashed out, can not be converted to commons. Judge has power to overrule payout (I think)
WAHUQ is currently settled for $34, but in POR is at 74% of that number and with FJR 52% of that number. (Catz should know this part)

Leverage risks!

We may own preferreds, but we hang out on this board to chat.

Disclosure "I still own commons!" I did leverage risks!



05/05/11 9:12 PM

#288116 RE: juju6eight60 #288016

Well that's not good..she seems to have changed her mind about commons.