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04/29/11 12:27 AM

#606 RE: kmikesara #605

Remember that HDL is included in the total cholesterol. If HDL rises and non-HL cholesterol remains the same, TC will also rise by the same amount as the HDL.
The orginal investigator of the cholesterol numbers, William Castelli, the greatest cardiac epidemiologist of the 20th century, showed that LDL and TC are poor predictors of cardiac outcomes and that TC/HDL is a much more powerful prognosticator. For marketing reasons the statin manufacturers preferred a focus on LDL and "bad cholesterol." This is all nonsensical scientifically, but it sure sells pills.
There is a subset of our population with low HDLs and high triglycerides that are especially vulnerable to vascular disease. The basis for it is insulin resistance, which is both genetic and influenced adversely by increased abdominal girth. Those people eventually become diabetic. They are an enormous market.
Statin drugs reduce risk of heart attack by 40%; niacin alone, which raises HDL, lower risk 25%; both taken together, in people with low to middling HDL, say 55, reduce risk 90% (References in the New Eng. J. of Medicine: 2001 HATS trial, Nov. 2009 Taylor et al). 20-30% of statin users ache. 10% cannot take niacin without becoming ill. There is great opportunity for Kardiaxyme, based on this alone.