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04/17/11 10:34 AM

#22885 RE: platero #22883

And just to be clear. Its not the stock price or my shares I'm worried about. Its the fact that nothing they've PR'd this whole year amounts to anything. They realize that, and so it sounds like they're abandoning everything and changing paths.

What I'm saying is pretty reasonable. It just took me longer than others to realize it. We're a 1/3 of the way through 2011 and we have no idea what CBIS' path is. We thought it was product development with Rockbrook, which was assumed in all the PRs of 2011. But that's clearly not the case. I'd just like to know what's going, and not from Mark, because he doesn't seem like a very reliable source of information.


04/17/11 11:08 AM

#22886 RE: platero #22883

After reading that post why in the hell would u buy at these levels....especially knowing 2 months ago it was at 3 I believe... don't let these pumpers get u 2 buy high in here ...alot of these cats have bought in at 7 -12 -14 cents recently and they will say and do anything 4 this fluff machine 2 keep it's head barely above water..... buy buy buy much much lower


04/17/11 11:43 AM

#22891 RE: platero #22883

Wow....looks like someone got their panties in a ruffle.....Do you think i look like someone who works for the

Why don't you send your list to Mark and company or call him yourself instead of bitching at me.

Another thing, why don't you go and check out the Phoenix Tears website for yourself, I think you will see how all these product work togther.....the specialized lighting system are used to grow plants indoors (Hint) at about half the cost and the fertilizer formula is like M grow on steroids.....

Do I know the exact relationship.....heck no.....All I know is that they work very closely together and that certain things have been discussed between the two and that lawyers are is still speculative at this point, but it is clear that both want the same end result for Med MJ and i think they realize that the possibility of achieving that goal is working together, that is all.

Base your decision to sell or buy on your own DD, but I am not the only one who has gotten this feeling from IR.

Good Luck