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03/31/11 1:54 AM

#232 RE: BCInvestor #231

The $10 is good ol JP jumping on the downgrade bandwagon a month to late. JP knew they had to do something on their overweight $27 call. Ha ha... JP always late to the game.
The oldest trick on Wall street... accumulation on a downgrade.


03/31/11 8:06 AM

#233 RE: BCInvestor #231

I see - thanks for the reply.

As for CEDC having multiple distribution points, I think I do understand that. Poland is a fairly large country (twice the size of the state of Georgia) with outdated road infrastructure. Booze is fairly heavy stuff. It would cost more to haul this stuff long distance to, and from from one central distribution center.

I know of another distribution company in Poland which distributes canned seafood, and they have two distribution centers, one near centrally located Warsaw, and another one in southern Poland. Not only it makes sense for them, but they would like to have a distribution hub in northern Poland too.

Slightly different reality there.
