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11/04/10 8:45 AM

#71923 RE: P2O I'm from MO #71921

Thnx for the info mike...not sure if the remaining s/h's are as united as they should be...I remember distinctly telling all of them on this board when the takeover of this effc shell talk first surfaced that they should seek their own legal opinion on the matter but everybody here was too busy telling me I was just a hater and didn't know what I was talking about because Gib was gonna be the savior ugh:

doogdilinger Share Sunday, October 25, 2009 1:25:17 AM
Re: kennypooh post# 69457 Post # of 71923

I remember specifically stating that all remaining s/h's should all seek their own independent legal opinions of all their options the moment all that damning evidence against the genius surfaced from the 5 ECT Friends kenny.

Now I'm not saying the 5 ECT Friends aren't trying their best...but when you're dealing with such a habitual liar as RH who will pull out every trick imaginable from the pos-land ceo handbook to keep his bs games goin' for as long as he's got the power to do either recognize the man's a liar & move on to the next pos-land table(as many former s/h's did)...or you try to find out viable legal answers/options for oneself instead of simply relying on things to work out on their own or via the 5 ECT Friends best intentions.

Now it appears that the 5 ECT Friends are still fighting behind the scenes on all the s/h's behalfs...but with the court imposed gag order on the 5 ECT Friends who really knows what the frig is goin' on here anymore from both sides.

So about all I can say now is that I wish ya's the best from this point forward & hope that r/h isn't able to pull off his 12:1 reverse split...because if he does there will be nothing left for the s/h's to fight for! The 5 ECT Friends yes...but the s/h's who are already very red would be too far crucified from a 12:1 r/s to ever recoup their losses for a long long time to clearly by all of RH's recent antics he ain't goin' down any time soon...& he definitely ain't goin' down without first imposing one helluva fight where his only interests are to screw the remaining s/h's who picked the 5 ECT Friends over him.

What a nasty nasty set of circumstances unfolding on this table with each passing month...& I do hope that somehow the 5 ECT Friends are about to play a couple of aces & be the s/h's white knights in rapid fashion...which at this point seems to be the only remaining hope in avoiding 2 more years of even more total bs even worse than the previous 2 years glta