No buyback without positive cash flow and profits so the stock printing press will continue until that happens IMO.
The float will continue to go up as the restrictions come off the previous Dutchess funding (Dutchess needs to sell to make $ off of those shares), when the restriction comes off the 6M? leaseholder debt shares, and of course the new Dutchess deal.
Do the Dutchess shares have restrictions or are they free trading when $ is sent? My guess free trading adding to the float.
The above is why I do not like this type of funding...
The company needs money to pay overhead and salaries as the lack of sales are not generating cash.
Oh and one more thing I checked last year's SEC filing from 3/04 for 2003 - Kelly Jones salary $20,000??? - no one lives on that - is he a full time ceo as he "has not sold a share" from previous comments? Let's see what the 2004 filing shows