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Diogenes of Sinope

10/28/10 6:03 PM

#4325 RE: Tenacious #4324

"Flabergasted and tainted"----well expressed, on the minds of many I'm sure! If one is to still believe in the original reason why one chose to take a position here---Tenacity/tenaciouness is definitely a requisite! (Almost like being married)! Apologies---couldn't resist. GLTA.


10/28/10 6:21 PM

#4326 RE: Tenacious #4324

Tenacious - when you have a chat ask him about the dilution. His reply to my email today was this:

Not dilution to that scale at all. Don't believe everything you read. Yesterday, 'dilution' accounted for only 35m shares. Where the other 120m came from, I have no idea.

I am focusing on building a strong business and that's all.

Cast Iron

10/29/10 8:46 AM

#4370 RE: Tenacious #4324

Tenacious : All respect and credit to you on this honest post.

I have been a critic for a long time of Lovatt and his string of companies he has associated with that have ended up in the cemetery.( IJJP , SSPT and now MMUH and CLDR)

Your call with him, while worthy with the best of intentions, IMHO you will be fed a bunch of half truths and lies.

Lovatt has only one interest : HImself