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08/12/10 12:28 AM

#47334 RE: slazenger7 #47331

If the share price was at .01 now, 98% of current shareholders would be out, and there would be a entire new crew of "shareholders" in place, screaming at the company because the price wasn't moving up to .02 or .03 fast enough.

Good Post, and I agree with this quote. A lot of the things you said were very true. This is the type of debate I like to see.

Good Post to Necktoeye as well...good stuff

On a side note:

How involved is the management here with thier shareholders, other than Conference Calls? Do we have a voice, can we email them a opinion and give input? I have many ideas I could submit to help.
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08/12/10 2:50 AM

#47347 RE: slazenger7 #47331

slaz, i would not invest in your company given those parameters and doubt you would too.

"If this were my company, I would not answer a single email or phone call from shareholders"

ENTI has made its own bed, as you continue:

"or put out a single PR until the material event had actually happened or contracts had been signed"

And you further state:

"I definitely would not give in to the shrill screams of shareholders and give them the timelines and specific dates they continually demand, knowing very well that if the specific dates aren't met, the screaming and accusations will become even louder."

There is a basic business principle that states, "Deliver what you say, nothing more and nothing less."

If you do that you will never have to do what ENTI has to do, fight false perception and what you said, putting out PRs before they are fully baked and setting false expectations.

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08/12/10 6:45 AM

#47352 RE: slazenger7 #47331

Agreed with all that you wrote here except one thing.

The SP was suppose to be announced 6/30/2010 they are 2 months 12 days late.

But everything else you wrote was spot on correct.

If it was my company I would of not put one PR out until it was finalized( signed ,sealed, and delivered)
thanks for reply.
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Dr Big

08/12/10 6:49 AM

#47354 RE: slazenger7 #47331

good post Slazzy I felt as thou that the company wasnt quite ready to release the news based on all is not signed.
It was getting ugly here the last few days. We had ppl posting their home addresses driving records,pictures of the offices,etc. I even thought someone might organize a linch mob and go to their office and pull Rick out and beat him in the streets.
Never mind of all the calls and e-mails they must have got.
All this over a stock trading under a penny. I know alot of ppl are down on this stock and yes the company has fallin short on their time lines. I know there is always the fear that we may have been scammed however I dont think this is the case. We still see consistant site improvements and things are starting to come together all in due time.
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08/12/10 7:58 AM

#47366 RE: slazenger7 #47331

Hey, Just added my first personmark. Thanks slazenger7 for that post! Great points!
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08/12/10 8:05 AM

#47368 RE: slazenger7 #47331

Great post,
but somehow even if the price was at .05,
I have this feeling some of our current negative posters would still be here. LOL
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08/12/10 8:23 AM

#47374 RE: slazenger7 #47331

Great post slz and GM to ya.. Z
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08/12/10 9:29 AM

#47403 RE: slazenger7 #47331

Great Posts, Slaz, Dr.Big, cjctrader! Also,

Great Posts you fine folks, the past 24 hours! Yes!

Also, yesterday's Trading and Share Price action (such as there was of it), was disappointing. So I looked further into things.

Upon reviewing yesterday's L2 Trading transactions, it appears that "we" are still being largely help captive by the Traders. The Traders.

Yes, the Trading faction among us (actually, few of them are "among us" because they mostly do not Post, but there are several hundred-to-a-thousand Traders, not to mention the Shareholders, and "Watchers / Observers" on the sidelines) are yo-yo-ing this Stock up, down, up, down...within a latitude of two, three, or four Ticks.

Yesterday's Trading pattern was overwhelmingly UP in the first 90-120 minutes or so, and was characterized by a preponderance of BUYS.

After reaching 8 / 9, the Traders began their daily pattern and habit of swing-trading for gains of one or two Ticks...and this activity continued throughout the day, with only small, brief pauses for ENTI's Stock to recoup a Tick or Two...and then this pattern would resume BANG-BANG-BANG time and time again. Sigh.

It is VERY frustrating and annoying, sure it is...but it is a free, unfettered marketplace that is, alas (and as if that weren't ENOUGH), corrupted and tilted "against us" by actions on the MM's side of things here in PinkyLand in general.

Hey! Yesterday I had EVERY REASON to almost EXPECT (a dangerous thing to do in PinkyLand) that ENTI would attain a Share Price of 0.001 OR HIGHER. I am sooo disappointed...but, in my opinion and insight ONLY...I conclude that Trading actions and ploys are at the root of our "problem" AT THIS TIME.

For example, there were a good number of Trade transactions in the amount of 2 Million, 3 Million, 5 Million...but NONE were of the sheer bulk as the enormous and intimidating blocks of 20 Million, 25 Million, even a couple of 50 Million Shares, as we've noted in weeks past.

Therefore, I do NOT believe there was so-called "dilution" going on yesterday.

What there was, was considerable and sometimes frantic SWING TRADING taking place, such that from the 340 Million Shares of Volume yesterday, I'd wager that appx. 150-200 Million of those Shares were Traded MULTIPLE TIMES back-and-forth, back-and-forth.

That is to say theoretically, if a tracking device were affixed to a given single Share, we would see (to our amazement!) that Share bob-around and CHANGE HANDS several times ON THE SAME DAY...Buy / Sell...Buy / Sell. See? This is what I believe occurred yesterday and accounted for appx. one-third to one-half of the Volume.

There's little we "Longs" can do about this, but continue to HOLD and accumulate at will. Eventually ENTI WILL BREAK-OUT of this momentary avariciously-driven muddle. Nearly every day sees changes, improvements, enhancements...even if they are derided as too-small or insignificant or meaningless by the naysayers. Progress is still PROGRESS.

As I've said before, people, good friends...Patience, lest we become PATIENTS!

Let's all go for the GREEN today!!$$

All the Best to Everybody, ENTI / Yellow Pages / MMx!$ :-)

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08/12/10 3:04 PM

#47771 RE: slazenger7 #47331

That's precious, God forbid shareholders get upset about a company gone from .0060 to .0004. Let me get my calculator.