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07/27/10 10:26 PM

#226322 RE: rramirez82 #226319

Jamie Dimon is risk averse. He relies on being a bully, with cash to back up his threats.

The risk is real, and it is now.


07/27/10 10:28 PM

#226323 RE: rramirez82 #226319

By the way, I believe if a settlement is not reached by the time the examiner submits his preliminary report to the court, then we will not see one until after the investigation is complete and/if we move into the trial phase. However, at that point it will cost our adversaries far much more to settle as I suspect the examiner will uncover some pretty valuable claims for us to pursue and maintain against them.


07/27/10 10:35 PM

#226327 RE: rramirez82 #226319

Sleep Well My Friend. You will ace that test, we will need you in the future, so get the degree so you can take the Bar.

Here's the transcript..


07/27/10 11:05 PM

#226342 RE: rramirez82 #226319

So, if the examiner is only truly "officially underway" after a signed court order AND she has said she will not look at another POR between now and the Examiner's report, that means that the parties MUST negotiate before the signing of the Examiner's appointment or forever hold their peace while the Examiner get's his report in to her.

Yes? No?


07/27/10 11:50 PM

#226360 RE: rramirez82 #226319

I am not sure if this helps the conversation but i do remember the judge saying I" I dont want to chase a moving target" referring to the POR. I believe she wanted to freeze the existing POR so Rosen can sink or swim (or choke) on what he put out there as fair and reasonable GS. Also for the the EX to have a "final" copy to go by.
Sorry, still catching up for the day. JMO


07/28/10 6:54 AM

#226380 RE: rramirez82 #226319

Thanks a lot for you very detailed explanation in terms that even those of us that are legally impaired can understand!!

Hope you kick butt on your exam!!!!


07/28/10 10:56 AM

#226446 RE: rramirez82 #226319

This is the key point (imo):

As shrewd as Dimon is and as daring as Bair might be, I don't believe that either of them made it this far in their respective careers by substituting arrogance and hubris for common sense and rational business judgment

That is the sentence that scares me. I'm rooting for equity, but the nefarious activities of JPM/FDIC/WMI lead to this possible conspiracy theory conclusion (again imo):

They can't get past the examiner motion, but that is OK with JPM/FDIC/WMI. They and their lawyers have had enough time to pay off the right employees, promised prominent positions to the right government officials and shredd all information necessary to prove them guilty. They will provide the examiner with just enough information to create a pool of funds that will allow the commons to have a taste. An initial lowball settlement will be drawn up, bounced around, revised and will eventually be approved by all parties and the judge. Everyone goes away with something, but the real crime is whitewashed and covered up through no fault of the judge or the legal system. It's just that greedy, unscrupulous people spend more time thinking of ways to break and/or avoid the law while upstanding citizens are working hard to make a living.

I pray that this is not what happens, but it has the potential of happening. Thanks to all who have diligently provided so much information for us who have not been with this stock as long. Lets hope that your efforts do not go unrewarded and Diamond is right: 2xValue+!