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07/27/10 10:24 AM

#226058 RE: FORTY-8 #226055

william- with regard to Solomon, perhaps now they have all the dots in order and are just connecting them together. As someone posted earlier "why dont they just unseal the doc and call it a day" <--- something to that effect. They need this case as solid and sealed as possible, with absolutely zero holes and no room to move for our opposition. Its imperative that there is enough evidence to prove our a. deposits b. assets c. JPM/FDIC fraud-collusion. This can be done, but with so much garbage out there, it will take time to sift through it and piece it all together.

I'm just curiously wondering where they will start. I'll leave it to SS UST and EXMR to lead us into battle.

EDIT- with Solomon probably close to finished, that part of the equation should just be a plug in at this point. I hope.


07/27/10 10:26 AM

#226059 RE: FORTY-8 #226055

HE has that is what was discussed in the judges chambers on July 8 IMO.


07/27/10 10:28 AM

#226060 RE: FORTY-8 #226055

For the following numbers- how many are indisputable homeruns?

Deposit-----------------$4,000 M
Cayman------------------$4,000 M
Tax Refund--------------$5,700 M
Visa--------------------$ 300 M
FC----------------------$6,500 M
Capital Loss in WMB fsb-$7,000 M
NOL Carry Forward-------$2,300 M
Total------------------$29,800 M


07/27/10 10:33 AM

#226062 RE: FORTY-8 #226055


Then add $7B for the branches minimum, and the return of the profits from WAMU a$40ssets right? Looks like we're approaching $40B without breaking a sweat.


07/27/10 11:46 AM

#226077 RE: FORTY-8 #226055

Solomon probably has alot of info already.....but at the same time still needs much more to create a POR. Rosen has not cooperated as far as turning over docs thus the need for the examiner. All needed info that is turned over to the examiner will stand up well in court....rather than Susman turning in a partial POR and it being objected to by opposing parties time after time. I am willing to wait to make sure all assets are accounted for rather than a rush job being done....more $$$ for equity.