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07/05/10 4:32 PM

#217723 RE: climberprof #217720

Dear all,

I'm by incident in a role of beeing specatator of the WAMUQ story. I'm from Germany and following your Board for some 3 Month now. I'm investetd.

If I'm not welcome here it's OK. Throw me out. If not OK too.

In Germany we have a saying: "On high sea and in court one is in God's hand". I assume that could be the same here. If not please convince me.

My contribution here maybe quite small and my english is quite untrained but I agree to all having the feeling to not let win the big players only by using their mighty power. I would add my opinion (refering to a recent dicsussion) that it might not the best idea to stand up in the court and put in what way ever pressure on the Jugde. Any judge needs the public recognizing that his/her decision was done in finding the truth and not by beeing put on pressure by one or another involved party. OK, fully respected that this way of free speech is a basic right of everyone, in the end we all know that free speech is one thing but winning the case is the end is the more important reality.

I hope everyone had a very good July 4th and hopefully we see Germany winning the Soccer Worldcup 2010 next weekend.

Thanks, Gooooooooooo WAMUUUUUUU and Gooooooooooo German Soccer Team