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07/05/10 4:35 PM

#217724 RE: Incident #217723

Welcome on board. Buckle in and enjoy.

michael laurino

07/05/10 5:13 PM

#217732 RE: Incident #217723

Welcme to WamuWorld Mr.Incident.........May you be blessed with $$$$when this is all over..

However,.......there are a lot of posters here that think that Spain just may win the World Cup......

Either way,good luck to you with WAMU and World Cup......


07/05/10 5:55 PM

#217738 RE: Incident #217723

Welcome Incident. We have many German friends here...


07/05/10 6:26 PM

#217741 RE: Incident #217723

Incident--Welcome--after the USA lost I switched to Deutschland as my 2nd team and will be cheering them to victory-----your English is more than adequate----hope you make a lot of money with the rest of us.


07/05/10 6:49 PM

#217743 RE: Incident #217723

Hey Incident,

Glad to see there are several european countries represented on this board. I'm from Spain and I'm in for 120k of commons. I'm following this soap for about 4 months now, and I must confess it gave me some happy and some stressy days as well. But I guess that's the pain necessary for the gain. In the WAMUQ case I hope we ALL will end as the winners of this battle. We don't fight with equal guns, but if justice exists, there's only one outcome possible.

Concerning the World Cup, you must surely understand I hope my own country will get the victory. But that doesn't mean I don't wish Germany (Deutschland) the best of luck. May the best win !

Take care all of you !!!!



07/06/10 7:32 PM

#217995 RE: Incident #217723

Welcome fellow investor!