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06/17/10 5:29 PM

#17635 RE: SteveF #17628

say it one more time i didn't hear you

mopn loose absorbent can be used by environmentalist who repair oil damaged animals, such as sea gulls

the absorbent can be used on them, the asorbent can be used on the beaches before it is too late.

the absorbent is not permitted in the water

not on the land


06/17/10 5:40 PM

#17637 RE: SteveF #17628

Seriously bro did you just make that up? I watched the House investigative and oversight sub-commitee hearings today. BP CEO Tony Hayward was asked what resources he needed or needed more of? His response was 'more resources to keep the oil from reaching the shores'.

Last I checked he was under oath, on world television and knows a heck of a lot more about this disaster than you. So yea I'm gonna go with his assesment and not yours.

I don't have a I said I saw it on tv today but I'm sure you can find it.