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05/27/10 7:13 PM

#133229 RE: Makamai #133228

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05/27/10 7:41 PM

#133244 RE: Makamai #133228

great work, makamai... thank you. :-)
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05/27/10 7:50 PM

#133252 RE: Makamai #133228

Just reading over the acquisition targets... I am amazed by the scope and potential of each one. Any ONE of which could carry any company's business plan to success. Just to be able to find one would be a sign of a brilliant mind. Dean's lifetime connections here and abroad are coming together under QASP. He is a genius!
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05/27/10 8:26 PM

#133270 RE: Makamai #133228

A couple points that need to be looked at by everyone from this CC. Dean stated 100 mil shares had been given to the lender to secure $10,000,000. That is an average of .10 per share. Dean also stated that the lender has warrants that start North of .20 In phone conversations, Mr Newby said he had warrants at .25 and .50
I never claimed to be the smartest guy but if he is taking shares as collateral at a pps of .10 and has warrants at mugh higher prices, looks to me like he knows where this should be valued at and where it is going. Like boomer said-

It will be interesting to see how many people sell too early and miss out on the big money.

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05/27/10 8:46 PM

#133283 RE: Makamai #133228

Thank you very much MAKAMAI! TK
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05/27/10 9:43 PM

#133316 RE: Makamai #133228

Could see QASP be $5 stock w/3 months? if uplisting to NASDAQ.

Any thoughts? Thanks.


Good job. Many thanks.
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05/28/10 12:23 AM

#133467 RE: Makamai #133228

VERY NICE! Thanks!
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05/28/10 12:33 AM

#133474 RE: Makamai #133228

please excuse this newbie question, but is there a possibility that if/when up-listing to Nasdaq or AMEX, these penny QASP.PK stocks just get discarded and a new symbol is created... meaning whatever we bought is tossed by the wayside and not converted to the Nasdaq or AMEX modal?
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05/28/10 1:10 AM

#133496 RE: Makamai #133228

200 some odd posts still to go ... but seeing this again:

Dean says our company is going to be big enough and profitable enough to qualify for this sort of listing.

Remember the "Cornerstones of our company" from the last CC?
These companies, whoever they are, will be very revealing ...

It is really something to see this all starting to come into focus. All the way back to the original PR's of what was intended for Quasar Aerospace Industries, Inc.
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crazy horse 0

05/28/10 9:13 AM

#133621 RE: Makamai #133228

MAKAMAI Excellent, QASP will make History

Dean and Company are the real deal. Stock of the year for sure IMO.

Posted by MAKAMAI
Below is a complete summary of the CC, with reference included to listing requirements:

QASP Conference Call Summary for May 27, 2010:

1. Dean Bradley, says he has it directly from the Chairman and managing director in London, that log jam has been broken in regards to the bond funding in London, and the 350 million funding will be coming in very soon – talking about a matter of a couple of weeks in traunches. New agreement is they only get equity by how much they fund.

2. New additional financing: Newby & Assoc. Shannon Newby will be in Jacksonville Tuesday thru Thursday of next week. Dean has advanced $100k already to secure monies as stated in NR. 10 Million LOC should have within the next 10 working days. Will have 3.5 mil in working capital from it to begin a real serious share buyback in earnest. Total funding to be 110 million. Newby requires that they be given Warrants upon the close, and those are all being issued at over 20 cents a share...

3. Outstanding Share (O/S) count will be under 1.5 billion (which is the A/S at present) and 100 mil shares was used as collateral and will not be sold into market.

4. Up listing: A condition for Newby loan requires application to Nasdaq or AMEX within 90 days of funding. Dean plans to bypass OTC. Application to up list means audited financials must be completed and submitted to the SEC among other requirements. Dean says our company is going to be big enough and profitable enough to qualify for this sort of listing.

5. Estimated Revenues for 2010: For the acquisitions closed between now and end of June, very confident that revenues will exceed 150 mil dollars. Pre-tax profit will be ~30 mil.
Revenues for 2011: Expect to triple that number...most from Mineseeker operations.

6. MineSeeker: MS will play a major role in revenues going forward. He didn’t discuss the acquisition of Mineseeker in his CC today but rumor has it that its imminent.

7. VLJ (Very Light Jet) program: QASP starts next week building their own VLJ!!! Funding wasn’t completed in the past to move that forward, nor was all the engineering done but the predecessor company paid 50Million for that work. The company wanted 10 mil in previous negotiations for that work which had been completed. Now Dean was able to obtain all the plans for $80,000 and transported it to target #3 in Midwest. Work will resume next week on completion of VLJ. Dean said the company will diligently pursue bringing that certification subsequently to market. (Dean is one hard bargainer - this is genius! )

8. TIGERFISH: BeechCraft will be first high performance aircraft to use working RAPT (Retractable Amphibious Pontoon Technology) technology (BEECHCRAFT KINGAIR) The TF founder and two lead engineers will arrive in two days for meetings of CEOs of #3 acquisition, along with KTM Engineering, who is the engineering/design firm that QASP has employed to make it happen. Dean stated that this will be the first time in aviation history that a high performance aircraft has ever been turned into a sea plane.

9. Conference Call to be posted on website with Video. In about 2 weeks, CC info will be posted prior to CC and folks will then be able to call in and ask questions.

Conference Call With CEO Dean Bradley(5/27/2010) Audio Clip
5/27/2010 4:47:13 PM

The following chart gives a good overview of listing requirements for the different exchanges:

Here is a good article on up listing to Nasdaq. Worth reading regarding P/E multiples, institutional buying, and immediate effects of up listing--even when the up listing is well-known in advance.

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05/28/10 9:57 AM

#133729 RE: Makamai #133228

Both 5-19 + 5-27 cc summary links below

Below is a complete summary of the CC, with reference included to listing requirements:

Thanks to Makamai
Great Job

Link to Makamai post below

More CC notes below from another poster -
Thanks to iKauai

5-27-10 CC Audio Link
Click on Media

5-19-10 Last Week CC notes link

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05/28/10 1:19 PM

#134091 RE: Makamai #133228

Thanks for this excellent summary Makamai

Yesterday I posted where I thought Dean had said he wanted this held to .015 area for the company buyback.

Tsk Tsk I was quite wrong just listened to the tape and couldn't pick up on that reference so my apologies to anyone who got thrown off by my incorrect remarks.

I like the new arrangement for next week's CC. Upload the news THEN take questions live on air. This sounds much more comprehensive to me and I think shareholders will be a lot happier with this new format.

In retrospect I notice Dean had not said much that was quantified about MineSeeker. I'm wondering if that might be at least part of the reason for the pullback today? Shorty obviously got a bit of a break here IMO. Maybe he decided to stay the course after all thinking MS was a bust or something. How wrong he would be of course but fact is that Croatian deal has to weigh heavy in DD and nothing sounded finalized. It would be easy for shorty to assume Croat deal with MS was a ways off therefore "no worries".

Just my mind mulling over an odd trading day Mak very nice summary thanks very much.

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05/29/10 11:16 PM

#134804 RE: Makamai #133228

Good job. Thx. Go QASP!!