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Southern Man

05/06/10 11:45 PM

#213594 RE: midtieroil #213591

Mid, they have all the help they need, anywhere in the world. Your all wet here, they know exactly what they are doing and what game to play.

"are in WAY over their heads," Do you read the news about all the oil they are finding?
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05/07/10 9:08 AM

#213614 RE: midtieroil #213591


on this i agree....amj's recap of AKPO should reflect the complexity for all to see.
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05/07/10 9:44 AM

#213615 RE: midtieroil #213591

totally disagree. sinopec did not get where they are by being stupid. If i were them, I would bring in a partner,like Total, makes the most sense.
Sinopec should want erhc out of the way, we are a burden at this point with the free carry.

Take us out , partnering with Total, they need someone to come in and pay their share of the drilling and the development costs, Who has the subsea system just north and the cash? Exactly what Total did in akpo by bringing in CNOOC. CNOOC paid 2,56 billion for their percentage and 2 billion toward development to start with. this is what they need to cover all these costs and explore further.

still think they did not drill far enough for the oil, because they know its there and talking about gas is the truth in a backdoor way.

yeah, you've found gas, you always do in an oil well.

very smart move on Offor's part , the free carry, but remember they, sinopec and Addax, made this deal with Offor years ago and i believe by design.

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05/07/10 11:19 AM

#213628 RE: midtieroil #213591

I fully agree with you that the Chinese are totally baffled by the results of first drilling and I do not look at this as being a good thing.

"Chinese think" can be extremely insular and I worry that as it is and has been their money being spent, they might not listen to foreign or outside prompts toward further drilling/expenditures.

I can fully understand many of us (myself included) thinking that the Chinese would never dream of "walking away" from the 300+ million USD they've already spent in the JDZ. If anyone thinks the Chinese don't understand the concept of "good money after bad" they're just kidding themselves.

Finally and slightly off topic...'midtier'...if I did or said anything to offend you in the past, please forgive this old girl.

Thank you.
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05/07/10 10:00 PM

#213673 RE: midtieroil #213591

Amazing, you dont have a clue about the Chinese and their abilities,
other than that I " Total" agree