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04/30/10 7:27 AM

#17310 RE: lowman #17309

Another thing to think about is that if this company is just a shell, "smoke and mirrors", why would Westor Capital give them 1mil in funding? Do you think they maybe did a little research of their own before lending that kind of money?


04/30/10 8:36 AM

#17321 RE: lowman #17309

So according to you they don't have anything ? The following can be easily checked. What I see is an emerging company who started from scratch and are getting revolutionary technologies on the road.

American Hydrogen Corporation |
American Hydrogen Corporation holds an exclusive, worldwide license, granted by Ohio University, to commercialize a breakthrough ammonia-to- hydrogen catalytic electrolyzer based on patent-pending technology developed by Dr. G. Botte of Ohio University’s Russ Engineering School."

And nothing's patent pending for the moment ? See their site :

"Our patent-pending technology allows us to dramatically improve power output, system reliability, and power density versus other PEM-based systems currently available in the marketplace. At the same time, we use proven high-volume production technology as well as readily available commercial parts to offer attractive initial investment, lower lifecycle costs and improved lead times. "

And as someone posted here on Wednesday, (re)read this ::

Patience, we will get there.


05/27/10 8:07 PM

#17890 RE: lowman #17309

do you have dreams of what you write here all night long or are others shoving pieces of paper in your face, just wondering, I am replying to ya so thats gotta be $ in your hand, Like how you put the effort in.


08/22/10 11:18 PM

#28588 RE: lowman #17309

Nah i just try to find accredited sites and resources this picture from this post from lowman is from the miami herald which i believe is an actual paper in miami dunno why they would lie about that