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dia duit

02/11/10 11:40 PM

#292787 RE: goldbarren58 #292774

Re: Things really bugging me about Tyler...
« Reply #24 Today at 8:50pm »

I will tell you this folks...

When I was doing the IR and Martin had formed the Owner's Group along with Frizzell...

Urban absolutely detested Frizzell.

I have always believed when the Task Force was formed and Frizzell was brought aboard, it was only to keep him occupied and out of the ways of the REAL WORK being done.

Hence, the lack of contact of late between Tyler and Hodges people?

I think the Tyler boys have spent the past few chasing a bunch of SHADOWS!!
Oaks (aimho)

Mod Squad
Well obviously you would have some sort of an inside track, but its never been lost on me (and a few others) that Frizz went to the meeting in vegas rattling his sword threatening to sue for desk, chair and wastebasket on behalf of the shareholders. He met with Maheu and company and came home a member of the Task Force. The OG went silent (try to find a shred of it on the web today) and then later he went on to become the attorney for the company.

Part of compartmentalization? Perhaps. Only time will tell. But if Al was the back-up for IBM, then no one will likely be able to thwart his efforts. It is interesting to note recent comments by Kevin to our member here, latteplease, that the "company has no comment" when it comes to efforts by Al...yet also states they are all for the shareholders receiving benefit "wherever it should come from."

Time will tell.

dia duit

02/11/10 11:48 PM

#292791 RE: goldbarren58 #292774

Re: Things really bugging me about Tyler...
« Reply #6 Today at 7:47pm »

The concerns raised below are from last December. Simply put; Bill and Kevin are skunks. These individuals were allowed inside, forgot where they came from and have been BIG zeroes IMO.

December 23, 2008

Dear Mr. Kotz:

Thank you for taking the time to look into the many concerns involving how the CMKM Diamonds situation was handled. I have attached some documentation for your review. I am at a loss as to why CMKM Attorney and Mark Faulk are not on a first name basis with you and those in your office considering the effort that these men have put forth over the last 4.5 years in dealing with not only corruption within CMKM but the gross malfeasance that they have expressly and orally decried about the SEC. It has me perplexed to say the least that these gentlemen have not been as aggressive in contacting your office as one would think. CEO Mark Faulk has provided extensive commentary in his newly released book The Naked Truth that details some of the "negligence" of SEC officials in dealing with the CMKM case. I would hope you would ask Bill and Mark why they have been hesitant/reluctant to share these allegations in a formal manner with the SEC Inspector General.

The attached files/pages include:

a. information from CEO Mark Faulk re: SEC negligence ---pages 357-358

b. Notice of In Limine Motion By the Div. of Enforcement To Exclude All Evidence of Naked Short Selling in Respondent's Securities -May 2, 2005

c. Bill Frizzell's letter to self-clearing firm Ameritrade re: Naked Short Selling Concern - May 25, 2005

d. Letter from Jefferies and Company to NASD - re: 112 BILLION shares that were not reported to the tape-"Ex-clearing"

e. Bill Frizzell's letter to self-clearing firm Etrade re: Naked Short Selling Concern May 25, 2005

You already are in possession of Dave Patch's commentary to the Chief Editor of the New York Times business section indicating that the SEC was the "real criminal who witnessed and authorized the sale" of billions of shares of CMKM and that there is evidence in phone records to support this claim.

Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions. Something sure doesn't add up re: Frizzell, Faulk, and West.


J. Farn