It seems not long ago there was an article stating JPM was paying out 29 billion in bonuses. My first thought was that if they did that, they would have at least two or three times that amount in cash.
While at work not long ago I was reading a magazine someone left laying around and I think it was a December 2009 issue of Forbes where it was stated that Citi Bank had over 200 billion in cash. I was in disbelief when I read that as they were in need during the bailout.
If Citi has that, I am guessing that JPM probably has 10 times the bonus money they are paying. Some are saying the FDIC is the real culprit here, but if there were collusion with JPM then JPM being a co-conspirator knew they were buying stolen property and as such would be just as guilty IMO. I think a settlement could easily be done in cash “IF” the above has any validity. IMO.