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12/07/09 12:33 AM

#184868 RE: Ispro #184862

Ispro, I agree Wave ETS and Infineon software would not be used together on the same platform. I didn't know Dell does not pre-install the Infineon software on Vostros ordered w/ TPM. That makes good sense though because Wave software is the Dell-preferred OEM solution. At some point Dell will bundle ETS on Vostros. For now they save paying Wave .90 and let the customer decide, unless the customer pays for an SED, then they get Wave.

Re: the Infineon TSS, I didn't realize uninstalling the HP/Infineon TPM software on HP platforms would uninstall the Infineon TSS as well. The Infineon TSS is not separated from the Infineon TPM software on an HP platform? I believe Wave-bundled Acer machines use an Infineon TPM. In that case, there WOULD have to be an Infineon TPM w/ supporting Infineon TSS, but no Infineon TPM software (Wave ETS pre-installed instead).

Embassy Security Center (ESC) and HP ProtectTools Security Manager apparently CAN co-exist on the same platform with the ESC console handling all the TPM/SED management. The HP console would manage all the other various functions outside of Wave's realm. I'm not clear on the details of how ESC would integrate into the HP pre-boot environment. On a Dell platform ESC handles all the pre-boot configurations, but HP already has their own pre-boot stuff.

HP ProtectTools Security Manager does quite a lot that is outside of Wave's realm, so I can't ever see the ESC console replacing the HP Security Manager console. The ESC console is very TPM/SED management-specific, better I think than the TPM management part of HP ProtectTools Security Manager, and it serves a good purpose in enhancing the current HP security platform. The SED management capability of ESC is a important differientiator at the present, and I think will stay a differientiator as SEDs (trusted drives) move forward to become the PC's essential root of trust. Wave has IP in this area which will continue to enhance the value of ESC in managing trusted drives (today's SEDs).