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11/13/09 6:05 AM

#1667704 RE: MUHAMMED #1667698

LOL - spoken like a true groupie of

Keith Olbermann

but, the Pres sure does have a mess to clean up... particularly tough with the noise from the left side of the "house". Hope he makes the right decisions for my kids and theirs


11/13/09 7:52 AM

#1667721 RE: MUHAMMED #1667698

OT: how did you get that out of his post? I think a lot of people blame both sides for this mess. Bush started it and Obama is perpetuating it. A lot of intelligent people have this same opinion and don't watch Fox.


11/13/09 8:30 AM

#1667733 RE: MUHAMMED #1667698

Hey now, don't rag on Fox news for reporting the news. Don't rag on Fox news for Killing their competition in the ratings and capturing almost 4 times more audience than it's competitors. They wouldn't be this successful, if the mainstream media did their work. And that's a FACT! People are tired of getting bent over and lied to. Regardless of party affiliation, I am glad that Fox continues to grow and beat down it's competition.... IF it wasn't for Fox news, Journalism in America, would be dead.


11/13/09 12:02 PM

#1668209 RE: MUHAMMED #1667698

I am not a republican or a fan of the republican party. Just stating what I see. It is easier to call names than it is to discuss issues.


11/13/09 12:30 PM

#1668271 RE: MUHAMMED #1667698

man, have you been living under a ROCK?

take a step into reality. Obama spent more money on new programs in 9 months than Clinton did in 8 years, pushing ann. deficit to $1.4t - like I said, come out from under your ROCK


11/13/09 12:41 PM

#1668294 RE: MUHAMMED #1667698

I think it goes back to this original post. I don't care if Obama is in control or he is a puppet of lobbyists and corporations. I don't care if he is a nice guy and thinks he has good intentions. Everything he is doing is promoting more government control and more spending, and that is a fundamentally flawed way to "fix" our country.