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10/23/09 12:11 AM

#281568 RE: janice shell #281567

Oh my God. That is just breathtakingly moronic

Hold on to your hat, it gets much better.


From Gus:

ok it is go time my friends, here is my letter to the fbi, I will name the agent later. It is a demand list form cmkx shareholders who are united in this cause. We will put omega's last paper on the net very soon, it is absolutely amazing and is the main evidence in our case in particular. I have sent in time lines of our case and some evidence as well but most is put together with the paper we are introducing. It will be used as evidence in a pro se case if need be, but I am trying to contact a well known lawyer to take our case as it parallels one of his current cases. I have also emailed matt taibbi of rolling stone to do our story so I encourage others to email him and ask to run our story, it will give us the exposure we need. It focuses not only on cmkx if he writes it but will focus on our fight we are doing right now.

Here is my letter to the special agent of the fbi, I want a version of this letter to be a first pr, with different evidence gathered put in further prs including our actions. Full disclosure to the world as that is the problem here, secrecy. In our company itself the secrecy has been a joke and pissed me off to no end, we will do the opposite of that, we will put it in their face, out in the open.

Back this up by grouping together with cmkx shareholders, but lets contact shareholders from other companies to join the group demanding answers and accountability, and prison sentences.

Spread the word, the time is now for the blitz, the coordinators are getting contacted to get ready in different states and different provinces.

It is game on, put your foot in their azz:

To special agent .... of the fbi,

I represent a large group of CMKX shareholders. I contacted you several times by phone a few weeks ago and as per our last conversation you asked us to mail in our evidence and documents regarding the SEC's fraud in our case. To expedite the matter we have decided to email you a package of evidence showing the SEC colluded with wall street firms to counterfeit the stock market and CMKX in particular. The evidence is clear the SEC has committed RICO felonies and colluded with wall street firms. The DTC, who is run by those same wall street firms (who had Bernie Madoff on their board of directors and all the firms who are in the John O'Quinn massive multi trillion dollarclass action) knew of the size and scope of the fraud and facilitated it through their stock borrow system. And the federal reserve who is owned by the some of the very same firms who committed the RICO felonies, some of which they printed money for to cover their fraud.

You will see the evidence directly from the SEC, in their own words, that the size of the counterfeit stock in the OTC market alone was in the trillions, those shares were illegally grandfathered by the sec so the counterfeiters didn't have to cover those naked shorts sales. The meeting to create this illegal clause was done by the SEC and the same brokers who committed the crimes. We will show you that the treasury market is counterfeited into the trillions of dollars and again covered up by the SEC. Those RICO crimes were also covered up by the Federal Reserve by printing trillions of dollars to buy to buy the fake treasuries.

Direct evidence proves the SEC colluded with wall street firms to hide their massive RICO crimes, ie Global Links (the sec hid Etrade's counterfeiting as they did in our case), Eagletech, the Madoff case, Gary Aguirre's case, and hundreds of others. In Eagletech's case RICO crimes were already proven in their criminal case and crime family members went to jail, of course those on wall street that colluded with those crime families got off completely and the SEC went after Eagletech and de-registered them like CMKX and hundreds of other victims. The SEC completely cover up this crime and actually had the evidence of the RICO felonies but did nothing, Eagletech had to go after the criminals themselves. We will show how the SEC continued to allow this counterfeiting to continue even after they said it was a crisis in 2005, they even went to the lengths of protecting the exact same firms who committed these crimes from the crime they committed, naked shorting or counterfeiting. The SEC banned naked shorting of those firms.

We will show that the SEC denied the share holders lawyer Bill Frizzell from entering evidence that clearly showed that Ameritrade, Etrade, TDWaterhouse, and other brokers committed counterfeiting of CMKX stock into the hundreds of billions. The SEC blamed only Nevwest who facilitated the crimes of the masterminds John Edwards and Urban Casavant. Nevwest themselves said they were singled out although hundreds of billions of shares were sold by other brokers. Nevwest and John Edwards and Urban Casavant only stole 64 million dollars out of 250 million dollars that was stolen, so 190 million was stolen by the other firms but they are not indicted by the DOJ or in any SEC actions. Their crimes were completely covered up by the regulators as is their modus operandi.

We will show that Nevwest, who facilitated the insiders counterfeiting crimes, phoned in each cert from John Edwards to FINRA and the SEC and the sales went through, aided and abetted by ex SEC lawyer Roger Glenn. We also show evidence he colluded with Leslie Hakala the SEC enforcement attorney in CMKX's case. We will show that judge Brenda Murray was bias in our case and the Gary Aguirre case.

Our case is easy to prove, the evidence is clear. It is also very easy to prove that counterfeiting of the stock market including treasuries and other financial instruments is in the multiple trillions, and was facilitated by the SEC, DTC, brokers, hedge funds, and the Federal Reserve. Given the overwhelming evidence in our case and other cases we have a list of demands as a group and as a group of companies that are victims of the systematic counterfeiting of the stock market:


This group of CMKX shareholders is now demanding a special prosecutor be named in our case to look into the RICO crimes committed by the SEC, the DTC, and those they colluded with. One that is independent and international, and not appointed by the government.

We call for a complete accounting of counterfeit shares in the market, all derivatives included as they are counterfeit as well. We demand a complete accounting of the grandfathered shares, and an investigation into the collusion that took place to make that illegal clause.

We demand to know the owners of the federal reserve, in particular any owner who received federal reserve money in the bail out, and in particular who received money that was printed to cover counterfeit stock, bonds, treasuries, or any other financial instrument.

We demand a full scale investigation into the news agencies who aided and abetted this fraud. Evidence by Patrick Byrne clearly shows collusion with certain journalists and wall street. He has 8000 emails showing massive collusion of hedge funds, journalists, the SEC, and others. Those hedge fund managers who clearly committed crimes are still not indicted and still counterfeit the companies on the stock market, ie Fairfax, Dendreon, Overstock, and hundreds of others.

In closing, the evidence is crystal clear, wall street firms have counterfeited the stock market in to the trillions, the DTC said, per Susan Trimbath, that they spill more than that when she addressed the issue in 1993 at a DTC meeting she attended. They simply admit they steal 1% of the trades as they fail, that money is in the trillions and has been shown to be money laundered off shore by crime families working with wall street firms. In fact it has already been proven. It is no different than your bank keeping 1% of all daily transactions. There were well over 1.5 quadrillion dollars in transactions last year, 1% of that is 1.5 trillion dollars stolen just last year, that is a lot of spillage. That is a RICO felony, and we clearly show it was aided and abetted by the SEC and others.

We look forward to your reply and expect immediate action.

The CMKX Shareholders Coalition for Justice.