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Bird of Prey

07/21/02 9:48 AM

#1023 RE: AKvetch #1019


As you can perhaps guess, assembling a Database od !/2 a million taglines is not a simple, nor easy, task. Currently, given that it is a spare time project, I expect to have the database online and search ready in about a month. In the meantime I'll whet your appetite with a few from my favorites list.

Note: the @FN@ and @N@ are some markers that will allow one to substitute names or aliases in the taglines.

Old MacDonald had an agricultural real estate tax abatement.
Why is "ABBREVIATION" such a long word?
Abdominos... sit-ups & pizza.
If you make a mistake, fix it to the best of your ability
Martyrdom : the oldest way of achieving fame without ability.
SAAVIK: I don't believe this was a fair test of my command abilities.
Caution- Corbomite Shipment Aboard!
Scotty, beam us aboard!" "Aye sir ... will a 2x4 do?"
Scotty, I appreciate the woman, but I said beam me ABOARD
Virus detected on your HD. .transfer aborted
RU486SX - 16 bit version of the popular abortion pill.
Save The Next Generation -- End Abortion today!
Yeah, but what if HITLER'S mother had had an abortion?
Shrinkage: now given the number of trick-cyclists that abound.
Who says a mage can't wear an Abrams?
"I'm back from my lobotomy," said @FN@ absentmindedly.
"You vant to go bach?!"-Chekov "Absolutely not!"-McCoy
Is relativism the only absolute?
Power corrupts. Absolute power is kind of neat.
There is absolutely no right way to do a wrong thing.
Like, I think my bottle absorbed my Beer, eh.
Sometimes, @FN@, you have to bow to the absurd - Pic
Taken as a whole, the universe is absurd
Aliens only abduct people who were Satanically abused in past lives.
Renault: Retarded Engine No Acceleration Ugly Lump of Trash
The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 32 ft/sec2
The best way to accelerate a Mac is at 9.8 m/s^2
"Surrender!" "You wish to surrender to me? Fine, I accept."
"That would be inconvenient, but acceptable." -- Tuvok
GET REAL! Elvis is DEAD! Accept it!
Greetings Hooman! We now accept Visa, MC, and AMEX!
I have a collect call from Mars, do you accept?
In acceptance there is peace.
It's only death if you accept it.
The eventual supremacy of reason should be accepted.
@N@'s memory is truly random-access.
Any device requiring service or adjustment will be least accessible.
BBS Tip #45: ALT-H gives you sysop access!
(This space accidentally left blank.)
Excuse me. I think I was born here by accident. Which way is out?
I've been thinking, but it's an accident I swear!
Last year many lives were caused by accidents
Today is the scene of the accident.
Virus detected: (I)nfect (E)xecute (V)accinate (P)anic
You see a coffin... I see cheap living accomodations.
Disney's Law: Children under 12 must be accompanied by money
Nightmare: A bard who plays the accordian.
Situation Normal. Panic Accordingly.
We promise according to our hopes, and perform according to our fears.
Welcome to Hell, here's your accordion.
You play the accordian? How good a bard can you be?
"The system manager has deleted your account, heh-heh."
There's no accounting for taste.
"A slight pause whilst I adjust my accoutrements." -Daffy Duck
Friends may come and go, but enemies tend to accumulate.
Accuracy: The vice of being right.
IBM at times means (I)ncredibly (B)otched (M)achines.
By this time my lungs were aching for air!
Experience is knowledge acquired when it's too late.
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed.
Some people are born stupid, others work to acquire it.
ROA #3. Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to.
ROA #33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss.
ROA #59. Free advice is seldom cheap.
ROA #16: A deal is a deal.
Windows: an Unrecoverable Acquisition Error!
LAPD - the good, the bad, and the acquitted.
Religious error: tone <Repent <Sacrifice?
PCMCIA - People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronims
AAAAA: American Association Against Acronym Abuse.
Down with TLAs! (three letter acronyms)
(A)bort (F)ail (T)oss computer across room
"Fascinating." said Spock, watching Kirk's lousy acting.
Attend! The! William! Shatner! School! Of ... Acting!
I'm not crazy. I'm just acting this way to annoy you.
Transistors blow before a protecting fast acting fuse.
Correct in Thought, Statement, or Action....TRUE!!
KIRK: You're about to remind me that logic alone dictates your actions?
Think of it as evolution in action
Warning! Incomprehensible action is about to occur.
"Klingon active wear, the ONLY kind!"
Allow me to use the active tense: Get lost.
And are you sexually active ? No, I just lay there..
Don't trust an abortion activist over 40
Don't trust an anti-abortion activist with a Penis.
Editing is a rewording activity.
Software Error: Programmer Held. Finish all activities
Tagline stolen by crazed juggling activists.
Why are there so many actors in this movie?
"Well... It's very runny, actually, sir."
Anybody can say they'll do something, few actualize it.
If this were an actual tag line it would be funny.
Dax & Odo in '96. Leadership that adapts!
"I'm going to electrocute him." -- Wednesday Addams
"People who don't like dragons- who knows WHAT they'll do?" -M.Addams
Water, in moderation, cannot hurt anybody.
Don't take life seriously. You won't get out alive anyhow.
Plan to throw one away. You will anyhow.
"Something tells me we're not in Northern Wisconsin anymore..."
"Toto, I don't think we're in DOS anymore..."
Beer! It's not just for breakfast anymore.....
Being young is...I don't remember anymore!
Breaking Windows isn't just for kids anymore....
C -- It isn't just for breakfast anymore.
COMICS: They aren't just for fat aging hippies anymore!
Death: Life's way of saying - "HEY! Your not alive anymore!"
Gagh! It's not just for Breakfast anymore!
Gee, Toto, I don't think we're in Windows anymore.
Hyperbole, not just for politicians anymore.
I figured out what I was doing right, it doesn't anymore.
I refuse to be intimidated by reality anymore
It's not a Mystery Reader anymore.
My last cow just died, so I won't need your bull anymore.
My mom says I shouldn't ask girls out on dates anymore…
Nothing can stop me now, 'cause I don't care anymore.
OOPS: Not just for klutzes anymore
Taglines...they're not just for breakfast anymore.
With so many disease, its not safe for a vampire to bite anymore.
Xerox never comes up with anything original anymore.
You're no fun anymore!
"640K ought to be enough for anyone." Bill Gates, 1981
"If you had an off switch, would you tell anyone?" - Data
"Tennis anyone?" - Daffy Duck
10SNE1 = tennis, anyone?
A little nukie never hurt anyone!
URA Redneck if: You think the stock market has a fence around it.
Veni, vidi, velcro -- I came, I saw, I stuck around.
What comes around goes around.
When someone turns things around, don't get run over.
Wonder ! you must stop wondering around !
You got to stop screwing around, daddy.
You tell 'em Goldfish, you've been around the globe.
"No use pussy-footing aroung, @FN@."
"That can be arranged!" - Han
DM's don't lie, they just arrange the facts to suit them.
PC:"I'd rather be eaten by a dragon." DM:"That can be arranged."

The Bird of Prey