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09/15/09 4:13 PM

#117426 RE: mide #117424

I would ask a different question - did JL deliver on all he promised...or have we lowered our expectations so much that simply keeping the company afloat qualifies as success?

I have higher standards than that for a CEO of any company I invest in.

As to whether or not they are (or have been paid) this is all supposition and conjecture until proven otherwise. If you’re getting paid in stock, your still getting paid until the stock is halted or has no trading value. I highly doubt the interests of the shareholder are a concern when the employees consider how/when they will be paid...a bit too altruistic an idea for this company given its history...
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09/15/09 4:40 PM

#117428 RE: mide #117424

Enough already Mide. We get the message. You love this company.

You are willing to wait years upon years for ONE PRODUCT, while the insiders get paid millions of shares for apparently NOT PRODUCING ANY.

You have been here and made positive and forward looking statements about the company and about the projects they have been embroiled in.....FOR YEARS.


It's getting REALLY old Mide.

We can SEE who has done the taking and who has done the giving, can't we? Tell me Mide....if the officers running this thing are so legit...tell me.....where are the SEC forms that need to be filed regarding share ownership?

MMMm? We know that at least SOME of the conditions in Leinwands employment contract have been met, right? Isn't he supposed to file SEC forms to acknowledge a change in the amount of shares owned once he recieves them? And again, a form when he sells them?

We KNOW he received some according to his employment agreement, correct? Where are the forms reporting the share increase?

And if he isn't reporting those....who says he is reporting sales?

As a matter of fact, there have been MANY shares given Seifert, Jackson, Leinwand and Christian. Millions in fact. They are ALL officers...yes? Why haven't the proper forms been filed?

If they don't show an INCREASE in share ownership even though they have received MILLIONS of shares....then they could just sell them! And at the end of the year, report the same number of shares owned that they started with!! Does it look like they sold any? Nope. But they sure could have, if they didn't acknowledge receiving them in the first place.

Bottom LINE: Leinwand has accomplished NOTHING until SNSR accomplishes SOMETHING. He has engineered a partnership with a man WHO HAS NEVER accomplished a successful airship design that was produced!! THAT PARTNERSHIP HAS PRODUCED NOTHING. He has presided over a company that has NO SUCCESSFUL SALES and has been paid WELL for it. The share price of the company has been (for the most part) STAGNANT under his "leadership".

The new CEO has had his own relationships with less than desirable companies....the record is CLEAR there. Now he has decided to join ANOTHER one. What a surprise.

Follow those shares given out Mide. Let's see if they all have an explanation as to why they didn't file and tell the general public about the shares given them.