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09/04/09 8:38 AM

#37763 RE: kermit42 #37762

Think I got ADD
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09/04/09 8:42 AM

#37764 RE: kermit42 #37762

Ditto that. I've learned a lot from his posts.
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09/04/09 9:56 AM

#37779 RE: kermit42 #37762

Only 5 posts left for the day, so replying to all at once. (Gotta save a few posts in case news does break today.)

Left Coast Bob, thanks for the person mark. re: Conservative exit points, always good to take profits, but difficult to determine when. I took my first EESO profits at 0075, a couple weeks before it jumped to 6x that. Was up 15x and saw strong resistance, so cashed out a decent multiple of my cost basis. That's how I plan to play MIKP as well.

Newenergy, re: movies financing themselves, are you thinking private investors? If so, I agree with gempicker that private financing cuts us (shareholders) out of the profit loop. If Mark plans to sell them preferred shares for their cash, possibly even worse for us, and imo, could be a precursor to the eventual reverse split that will come if Mark decides to uplist.

If you're thinking bank loans, consider the recession (risk to bank) and the timeline (interest) involved. The big costs for a film start when filming begins, and actors are only a chunk of the cost. I worked in Hollywood in the early 90s. Back then a camera team cost ~$15,000 per day, likely more these days. PAs, gaffers, set designers, wranglers, make-up, location managers, craft services (catering), insurance, etc... It all adds up very quickly and most pros are paid on short timelines. Once the film is "in the can," editing and post-production can add a couple more months. Then it's a matter of picking the right weekend for release. ie: Not going up against another film or world event that will cut into your opening weekend audience. Some great films have suffered horrible theater revenues due simply to bad timing.

All in all, it can easily take 10-24 months from the start of filming, when you need the big money, until you open in the box office. Consider 20 months of compounded interest on a $5-20 million dollar loan, amid the risk the film will flop, as many good ones do. Some indie films are made this way, but seems much safer to just pump up your stock and milk it for the capital. That's the reason people have public companies in the first place.

As noted before, one upside to the FtWayne approach is that (in theory) Mark already bought several hundred million shares of MIKP float back in the 0001 PINR days. So when he sells into the pump, he's just releasing float back into the wild, as opposed to the typical dilution printing press of pinks.

Time will tell. But my opinion is that Mark would not have bought the PINR shell if he didn't plan to use it to raise capital for his film projects.

Kermit (and all), apologies for the long-winded posts, including this one. You do enough reading already with your day job. ;)

Kindertrader, glad my posts help. Above all things you can learn from msg boards is that you should evaluate every thought, assertion, statement with detached logic. ie: Assume everything posted is an agenda-based lie, including my posts. Use the phone/net to do independent DD/research, and build your own perception of what's really happening with a stock. vis: I presented my perception in detail this morning, but fully acknowledge I could dead wrong about the whole thing.

Gempicker, re: "boy who cried wolf," this is exactly the scenario I meant. With strong buying this week and Mark's teasers, we're primed for a rally-triggering PR on the lit IP. And with the holiday weekend, it needs to come now, not end of day. If no news, I wouldn't be surprised to see a sell-off today and into next week, and, sadly, dampened rally enthusiasm when the news does break. This is exactly what CTP has been posting about. This board could turn very ugly in couple weeks if no news amid a sell-off.

On the other hand, if my theory is right about the EESO/MIKP tick-tock connection, then this might all be part of the game plan. Assuming we all hold/accum through the possible dip, who among us would harbor anger against Mark if the run starts in October instead of Sept?