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09/04/09 3:30 AM

#37746 RE: ctp93 #37689

CTP, sorry for delayed reply. Was out for the evening again.

re: MIKP reaching EESO PPS, I don't feel that specific PPS is relevant, aside from the purely psychological "milestones" of stepping up digit ranges. ie: 0010 --> 0020 --> 0030, etc... IMO, the key question is who is behind the buying pressure that you have been discussing.

My guess that Mark has been stalling MIKP's run until EESO's run is primarily based on Mark seemingly dragging his feet on some things that should have happened more efficiently. eg:

-- Ticker change paperwork "confusion" until shareholder research spotlighted the unfiled paperwork. Remember that Mark claimed the delay was FINRA bureaucracy at the time. This bought him several weeks.

-- This "Christmas" delay on the literary IP PR. Per "Fedex" PR, he has the signed contract in hand. Why not PR it? What schedule/timing is he waiting on?

-- General lack of hype about the concert. He's made a couple necc PRs, likely to avoid shareholder dismay, but nothing near the barrage of hype he unleashed for EESO, when that timing was right.

These inefficiencies suggest that Mark was been stalling MIKP. One logical explanation (of many) is that he and his buddies are stuck in EESO longer than expected. IMO, FtWayne (Kistler, Mark, etc...) have been priming EESO for a third run. I wouldn't at all surprised if the lawsuits by Belmont and WowGreen were consciously contrived to knock EESO deeper into the cellar, allowing them to load more cheaply for this run.

Note that Belmont is the Ft Wayne company that took EESO public. How big is the Ft Wayne securities industry? Likely buddies of Kistler? And the WowGreen lawsuit stems from a batch of allegedly bad enzymes, which could have been contrived, or simply seized on opportunistically.

For ref, here's a post where I break down my EESO theory in more detail:

re: Specific timing, I had expected them to run EESO in July/August, but they may have decided to let it fester a couple months, allowing nerves to fray under the barrage of daily bashing (thus cheap loading). Or Sept might have always been their schedule. WowGreen launches officially on Sept 23rd, two weeks from now, the WowGreen lawsuit court date is Sept 14th, Murph (EESO pres) has been hinting at several new contracts that could sign soon, and EESO maintains their plan to release audited 3rd qtr financials.

If I'm right, the recent EESO walk-down to 0020 could be the equiv of last Dec's walk-down to 0006, final shake and load phase. In two weeks, they could start a PR flood similar to last Jan/Feb's, starting with a Sept 15th announcement that WowG lawsuit was settled out of court, then Sept 23 WowGreen launch, with several new industrial/commercial contracts and audited 10-Q sprinkled in the mix.

If so, EESO should spike again by end of Sept. Given anticipation from previous runs and potentially tangible revenue figures, this third run could be much faster/steeper than previous ones, possibly running to 0500-1000 range by end of Sept.

If this is what Mark's been waiting for, the timing of lit IP signing may be somewhat awkward. He might have anticipated a longer negotiation phase. To point, Mark has the signed contract in hand, but hasn't announced it. Why? If he drags his feet on this, it suggests he's waiting for something.

Thinking Machiavellian again, what if Mark said nothing about the IP until end of Sept. All this excitement in PR and tweets, then nothing for a couple weeks. Maybe while "unexpected details" are worked out. This might cause a backslide in MIKP share price as folks flip out to move their cash elsewhere for a bit. Combine this will some sudden intense bashing on the MIKP boards (Biggerstaff is amateur hour compared to many denizens of EESO board) seeing FUD over delays and "wishful daydreaming" over film revenue potential, and MIKP could sell-off just as EESO peaks.

Remember that Mark's capitalization schedule maps to his film production schedule. With all film projects still in script development or casting phases, he needs the big money starting in Oct/Nov, not immediately.

Note that I'm not asserting this will happen. If it does, the EESO timing might be the motivation. If Mark springs the IP today, kicking off the MIKP run next week, maybe they just decided to punt and let MIKP go? Maybe they realize Mark has sold us the MIKP story too well and too much of the float is already locked up in strong hands (oops). Or maybe my theory is completely off-target.

All that said, for direct comparison analysis, here are two charts, EESO and MIKP:

-- Last Sept/Oct, ESSO bottomed out in the 0003 range. Many of us discussing it at the time loaded at 0003-0005. No hype from company, cheap accumulation phase for players. I believe this maps to MIKP in 0006-0010 range in May-June after the initial jump from 0001 on mgmt change.

-- In Nov, EESO rose to 0012-0015 range, where it lingered for a couple weeks. The rise to 0012 was due to general anticipation building. I believe this maps to MIKP bouncing around in 0012-0020 range in June-Aug.

-- In Dec, EESO sold-off back down to 0006 range. IMO, this was orchestrated, creating a final loading period before the run. I've been expecting this sharp sell-off in MIKP before the actual run. Last week's sharp dip to 0011 might have been an attempt at panic sell-off that failed. They may have underestimated the strong hands here holding much of the float. If Mark drags his feet on IP announcement and/or a surge of bashers hits this board, that might signal this phase as well.

-- In Jan 6, the EESO pump began, the first of a chain of PRs, often more than one per week, triggering the 7-week ~100x run from 0006 to 0500:

For MIKP, I expect a similar barrage of PRs, hyping all of the projects Mark has been tweeting and hinting about:
-- New literary IP contract (hopefully juicy).
-- First MMA event, possibly more concerts, with revenue projections based on first concert.
-- Dresden Sun casting underway, production schedule announced.
-- Fish Barrel casting underway, production schedule announced
-- etc...

Given the large block buying (eg: $10k blocks @ ask) the last couple days, it seems clear that some folks believe the IP announcement is imminent and will trigger the PR blitz and thus, run. Only question in my mind is whether those folks have inside info, or are just retail speculators like us who have saving up cash for this and don't want to miss the run.

Regardless of EESO connections, the answer to this should come by end of next week:
-- IP announced, run starts, suggests insiders loading.
-- IP not announced, or downplayed, suggests retailers loading, run stalled for now.

Will be interesting to see how this plays out. If MIKP takes off before EESO, I'm plenty fine with being wrong about the tick-tock theory. ;)