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07/13/09 1:12 AM

#81133 RE: mordicai #81109

Thanks Mordicai. The idea that JPM lawyers can come up with someone who is willing to state they knew WMI was definitely going to be seized and then put the 4 billion apart is similar to saying that their was definitely fraud involved. It's a catch 22 for JPM. If they have that information, how did they get it? Who would say that and why?

Bottom line; the FDIC system of bank management wasn't prepared to handle modern banking and those laws remain relevant to this case. Holding companies are not seized when the banks are seized. It is that simple, imho.

The holding company was forced into BK by Paulson, Dimon and Bair, colluding or not, they botched the seizure big time. Even if congress was advised that JPM needed a bank at pennies on the dollar to save the U.S. economy that doesn't justify what is happening to WMI! How much more simple can this be?

Corporate entities are entities deserving due process.

I think that the future of Law in this country will include some kind of review of motions! These frivolous manuevers from JPM lawyers is paramount to public exposure and indecency of obesity.

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07/13/09 9:33 AM

#81144 RE: mordicai #81109


Just additional delaying tactics from JPMC? Do you expect a ruling from the good judge this week on these appeals?

Take Care