True my friend. I was accused the other day of being "old school" because I suggested that a young teenager take off his cap while entering a public library.
It was a forty something adult that chuckled as she said that, I suppose making light of my comment as to not hurt the teenagers feelings was the intent but I wondered to myself as I heard those words...old school dismissed as foolish, do young people think a work ethic foolish too?
Anyway, sounds like you are raising your children well. I tried with my five. Last of which is now 20 and I am blessed as they are all successful.
And btw, I was just trying to cajole you a little with the NW reference the other day. No insult intended.
And yes, I trust Judge Walrath knows what human value is. Let's just hope it's not too "old school" when deciding WMI's future.
GLTY and Free WaMu!!