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08/13/04 8:25 PM

#77242 RE: trade15 #77141


Why would I want to contact the SEC, about the information you got from Mr. Walker? That was the whole point. I don't, for one minute, think that Mr. Walker is stupid enough to give you any information, such as you indicated you had gotten. You didn't mention O/S, until a later post than the one I quoted. Mr. Walker didn't get where he is, by being stupid. You may, in fact, know him, but he certainly isn't giving you information such as you indicated he gave you.

I haven't seen any information, that I consider "Valid," that was passed around at the tracks, that could be considered inside information. Everything I've seen is talk, rumor, hearsay, gossip, or whatever you want to call it. Folks, sometimes, have a way of making things sound differently, than what they were told. That's why "Hearsay," is not acceptable in court. That sort of information, has exactly the same validity, as the information that is passed around, during a game of "Telephone." What the last person says, isn't even recognizable, as being related to what the original person said. If you don't believe me, get 10 or 12 of your friends together, and play the game, according to the rules. Let me know what happens, honestly. So far your innuendos, are not making any headway.

When companies are discussing Possible Mergers, but no decisions have been made, and no contracts have been signed, (Including letters of intent.) they don't have to notify Anyone. Some sort of binding agreement must be made, before any reporting has to be done, otherwise they would be reporting on conjecture. Companies don't have to do that. Once the agreements, and decisions are officially made, then reporting is required, but not before, on any exchange. Please, show me any rule, that says I have to make any sort of declaration, to any official body, simply because I put forth a proposition to merge with another company. Possibly, some other company would like to make a similar offer, if they knew what I was proposing, so I give out the information to allow them to do that. Get real. Until some sort of agreement is made, reporting isn't required.

If a merger, were of such a nature that anti-trust laws, or something of that nature, came into question, the companies might want to get a ruling as to the legality of what they were contemplating, but that doesn't happen to be the case with CKMX, and their JV Partners. Besides, I doubt that a preliminary ruling would be made public, by the ruling authority, anyway.

Yes, I do think that Mr. Casavant will disclose whatever information about CMKX, is required by the TSX, or any other Exchange. I'm certain that's why Mr. Glenn is a part of this entire operation. Why do you think they are being so careful now, and are doing everything possible, in order to make sure they don't make mistakes. IMO: That's the main reason we haven't heard anything, of real importance, even though some of the stockholders keep complaining, that they aren't getting enough information. I, as a matter of fact, hope they keep working the way they are. I want this to come to the best possible outcome, for all of the stockholders, and I will wait as long as I have to, so that can happen, on Mr. Glenn's terms.

Why would I want your name? I'm fairly certain I've seen it before, in a post somewhere, but I don't care. (BTW: The address does leave a little to be desired, if we were being totally candid, as is implied.) I answered the question, about the SEC, in the first paragraph. If you don't understand, maybe you should read it again.

Everything above is JMHO: