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08/06/04 3:34 PM

#72156 RE: jon_e_og #72139

jon_e_og - Your post are... let's just say "less" than supportive to balanced debate. But I will attempt to answer you this once.

If you did any research on the NASDAQ/OTCBB and you could start with the link I provided in a previos post. You would know that the Companies do not deal with or have any obligation to report any information to these entities. Only MARKET MAKERS deal with these entities.

Companies have regulatory requirements to the SEC, NASD, etc...
And if you would have looked at the recent SEC filing of UCAD you would see they fullfilled thier obligation in reporting the dividend. You will also notice they did not report anything on the CMKX OS in the filing because it was not required.

As for the SEC or NASD requirements in general, if you have made an attempt to understand them you would see how (how to put this) "convoluted" they are that an individual has very little chance to interpret them on their own. Hence the HIGH cost of GOOD firms who have many specialist for such.

But, you might have been able to see that a non-reporting company has very few regulatory filing requirements.

Now there is a new NASD requlation that altho difficult to interpret seems to now have some bareing on the dividend question you seem to be asking about. Basicly it would seem to be a requirement to disclose the dividend ration to the "NASD" for reporting purposed 10 days before dividend distribution.

If you want to do your research you may start at the NASD site and search it for the dividend reporting requirements of non-reporting companies. The link is not on this laptop but on my main Linux computer which I am currently upgrading the hardware on. I am sure if asked nicely one of the LONGS here could help you with the link.

Oh, when reading the rule you will find that their is NO requirement in it for a Company to provide this dividend information to anyone but the NASD. In other words NO requirement to give the information to the NASDAQ or OTCBB.

So I still wonder who did "provide" information to these entities and how correct it is. For me I will have to wait and see an OFFICIAL notice of the Dividend or OS before I reevaluate my stratigy which I base on the AS figure of 500 billion since it is the only OFFICIALLY known number.

I hope this satisfies your "curiousity", I unfortunately have plans for the evening and will not be able to "help" you out much more this evening. I "hopefully" will be watching the storms rolling through the city from our revolving downtown restaurant this evening with old friends.