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04/23/09 3:06 PM

#3528 RE: tryoty #3527

All well and good. But what people fail to understand is there are THOUSANDS of stories out there and only a couple will come true. But people bet on one, they call it the sure thing.

Ask Toy about his expeciance with SNMM/WGMGY was .40 in 1999 went to $26 in less then 2 years and the EXCITED were calling for $60 - $80 and NEVER SOLD a share. Well the stock ran into hard times and the fundamentals chagned and still they would not sell, the stock went to teens, as in cents, like .14 I believe. Just like many other SURE THING plays.

Well the stock rallied and got to like $3.50 and they were chanting, finally nothing but blue sky. Well try to find WGMGY today.....

Many Bag Held that to ZERO. Bashed the traders the whole time, made fun of burning the shorties when it would go up, and well you get the message.

Some of us have traded those stocks and have HUGE plus's with both. ERHE is a TRADING stock, to much can go wrong for anyone to bet the farm on it.

Just look into JW4 over at the BQI board, now theres a die hard.
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04/23/09 3:12 PM

#3529 RE: tryoty #3527

I am sure SEO knows all the options, and if we have to have a new partner pre-drilling what I would like would be a 20% buyin from Addax in cash or stock for $2. That way in addition [to the cash or stock] we have the up side of any new discoveries and the possibility of a buyout by a larger company at a higher price when the reserves are better delineated.

The $2.00 for 20% would match the $10 buyout Bovell announced , it would help us with additional exchage listings such as AIM or maybe AMEX, and it would allow ERHE to acquire producing oil properties . It would allow us to achieve everything as a company SEO and the ERHE staff has stated as company goals. Time will tell. Hopefully we are in the last fortnight as a penny stock. Good luck Farrell
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04/24/09 10:02 AM

#3533 RE: tryoty #3527


I dont quite agree with you, here's why: GREED.

Employee incentives are not based on what you bring to the company tomorrow. This goes from the janitor all the way to the CEO. And essentially this is a major problem in today's corporate environment. But that aside, everyone that works for Addax will want to make their two cents off Corporate incentives as well as the Options or ESPP stock they hold. If there is 30 billion there and the powers that be know it. It will get out. They will make sure it does.

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04/24/09 10:04 AM

#3534 RE: tryoty #3527


I dont quite agree with you, here's why: GREED.

Employee incentives are not based on what you bring to the company tomorrow. This goes from the janitor all the way to the CEO. And essentially this is a major problem in today's corporate environment. But that aside, everyone that works for Addax will want to make their two cents off Corporate incentives as well as the Options or EssP stock they hold. If there is 30 billion there and the powers that be know it. It will get out. They will make sure it does.
