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07/28/04 1:46 PM

#64670 RE: gump90 #64662

I don't believe a buyback/dilution scenario is out of the question...

Urban, realizing that the stock price would have to come out of the basement(especially with the upcoming news about the new lawyer and diamondiferous kimberlite) began buying shares @ .0001 or less, returned them to the treasury until recently, and now are being released from the treasury and sold back into the float.

The potential profit for the company is huge, lets say he was paying .0001 for these shares and has been selling them between .0004 and .0012. Now, one may argue where would he get the money for the intitial buyback? Well, I'm sure Urban has quite a bit of his money he would be willing to infuse into the company to facilitate such a huge return for the company, and himself as well. If not I'm sure he knows of a few financeers that wouldn't mind making a %100 return on investment, with the rest of the profit finding its way back into CMKX.

This would explains JEFF's behavior as a net seller and his particular 'actions' around CMKX pr's. Last friday, before the dividend prs, he moved off the ask and yesterday he did the same thing before the 3:30 pr. It would also explain why JEFF seemed to be a net buyer of CMKX in the basement over the past months...

just a though
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07/28/04 1:51 PM

#64672 RE: gump90 #64662

I agree with your "if it is good enough for Roger it is good enough for me" theory. With regard to the finances question, let me suggest a possiblility. If, in fact, Urban had the goods with regard to outstanding share distribution and mineral find potential to convince Roger to sign on, just maybe it is also sufficient to attract private, friends, partners, joint venturers, financiers etc. Obviously, I don't know this, but IMO Urban knows where the lion's share of the legit outstanding shares are and has put together suffiecnt funding to carry him through whatever time it takes to win the battle with MM's. RFL

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janice shell

07/28/04 7:38 PM

#64954 RE: gump90 #64662

The DTC has been "under attack" for years. So far, nobody's made a dent in 'em. Even Mad Mikey Sylver tried, back in 1998. He ended up having to send them certs for the stock he'd issued but claimed he hadn't issued.

Now I see the D T C under attack .. FINALLY.