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03/17/09 9:56 PM

#23444 RE: john302 #23417

John302 OT:

"If you want to see a country with no social net then go to Mumbai India or Nairobi where you can't step outside in even the nicest neighborhoods without tripping over the homeless, while simultaneously seeing ostentatious mansions line the streets. I guess we should just say "its their fault", and to hell with them."

This is exceedingly misleading. The reason there are poor in the streets in Mumbai is not because of a lack of a social safety net. Its because they are a dirt poor country and they lack the funds to help those people. They in turn lack the funds because for ages they were a backwards corrupt socialist fiefdom.

Compare that to the United States where we never had a situation like what exists in India even though we didn't have the government provided "social safety net" until recently.

And I will say I am personally sick of this populist pitchfork BS. As someone who has witnessed every side of the corporate world there is one simple fact about people who make it up the chain and make alot of money. They work much much harder than those of you wielding the pitchforks.

It sure is fun to be physically at work 40 hours a week with your brain turned on about 25 while you spend the weekend in the garage drinking beer and tinkering with your motorcycle. People making 250k a year don't have that luxury. After working their 60 hour weeks they spend part of that weekend reviewing documents,writing budgets or whatever. I have found this difference to be almost universal.

I am not sure myself if that tradeoff is worth it frankly. In many ways I think it isn't. That said your demands for a bigger chunk of what wealthier people earn is the equivilent of them barging in your garage and demanding 10 hours of your free time because you have alot more of it than they do.

The wealth envy crowd needs to grow up. They collect a disproportionately large share of government services and pay a disproportionately small share of the taxes.

Disclaimer: This of course does not apply to the AIG bailout crowd. They probably worked really hard but they didn't deserve a friggen nickel of taxpayers money. You can also work really hard and fail. Its part of being free.