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03/18/09 1:00 AM

#23452 RE: gilead23 #23444

"Its because they are a dirt poor country and they lack the funds to help those people."

And if they had the funds, guess who would have the funds and who would help the people? The GOVERNMENT.

Or go back to Dickensian times in england, when you had squalid cities and child labor. That was capitalism at its purest. I'm glad we have a hybrid system of government/capitalism, its called checks and balances. People are corrupt either way, no matter how they are organized, so the best way to keep them in line is to pit organizations against each other. Judicial/exec/congress or Government/business. You just cant let the pendulum swing too far either way.

"Compare that to the United States where we never had a situation like what exists in India even though we didn't have the government provided "social safety net" until recently."

Erm, yes we did. America was a filthy, dirt poor country populated by peasants ("pioneers", mine workers, assembly line workers, etc) for a long time. No thanks to the robber baron monopoly capitalists. I'm all for business, but business needs to be kept in line by "we the people". (read: our democratic government, unions, etc)

Shit just ain't that bad these days. I'd much rather live in this country today than back when the paleo-cons considered us "free-er". But you would never know it by listening to the Alex Jones and David Icke crowd (popular on this board), who absurdly distort 'real politik' making a laughingstock out of the whole scene.

"People making 250k a year don't have that luxury. "

I know middle managers making more than that who spend their office hours playing fantasy sports and have 5 to 6 weeks vacation. Most of them got where they are by family or frat connections, or screwing the right person. Maybe ENTREPRENEURS making that much are much busier (not maybe, I know they are).

"They collect a disproportionately large share of government services and pay a disproportionately small share of the taxes. "

Right so the top 2 % own over 80 % of assets, yet pay just under 50 % of taxes.

And that's what is reported.

I'm not going to scream out where I work, but I work at a private bank with the richest people in the world as clients. You know how often I've seen money funneled to offshore Bahamas accounts, dubious charities, etc? Truth is YOU are being gamed by "their" political advertising campaign. They want you to think government is bad, because that is yours and mine (the common mans) ONLY source of power over them. Well government CAN be bad, and I'll tell you a good example of when: When you privatize it. Federal Reserve that libtards hate? Privatized government. Military industrial complex? Privatized government. Fannie and Freddie and Sallie? Privatized government.

Don't drink the aristocrat apologist Ayn Rand Kool Aid. Wake up and realize what is being sold to you in the name of "freedom". They want to operate in the shadows without transparency. Think you are going to get transparency from a private institution? LOL. Yeah Moody's and the rating agencies work out really great while they were on the payroll...