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07/10/04 7:31 PM

#6750 RE: merlyn #6749

Again, I don't completely disagree with you, I simply was pointing out the difference between himself and a ratioanl investor such as yourself who, from your post, understands that there remains great potential here and that this isn't a "widows & orphans " stock.

From his comments he is not mentally suited to be invested in a stock like this and can no doubt, in this regulatory environment, sue his broker for either suggesting this investment or allowing him to buy it at all, and recover all of his money.

He could also have doubled down to lower his cost basis but he'd rather play the victim role... this is pretty classic investing behaviour and always accompanies someone who loses their shirt in the markets... I've seen it all to frequently.

Sunncomm does have issues... that's why it's still a pink sheet non-reporting company. All of that is about to change but to continue to harp on Peter as some evil genius that is destroying shareholder equity is to simply be ignoring reality.

We have BMG already and in a very big way.. that was made clear at the shareholders meeting in case you wern't there. It doesn't take a lot of imagination either to see that BMG is merging with Sony Music... so guess who we automatically get?

We will also get Apple because BMG is not going to continue to allow Apple or any other pay music service, to sell unprotected versions of the very music that BMG is paying Sunncomm already to protect.. ain't gonna happen.

We have EMI... you can chose to take the "promo albums" stuff as a nothing or realize that this is the same "get comfortable with the technology" first step that BMG did prior to embracing the technology.

Sunncomm has been struggling to get the naked shorting out of the way for over a year and they have entertained some creative ways of trying to do so... none of which have worked to date btw. This has called for some pretty creative strategies and much of it has evolved (changed) over time. This is probably reasonable as nobody exactly knows how to get rid of naked shorts besides the obvious development of a real company with revenues...

Sunncomm is now so busy with revenue producing deals that they no longer have time to worry about naked shorters... in the end the problem will resolve itself, but this will take time and require investors to have patience. I was in MSFT for nearly 10 years... I have a lot of patience and a lot of money thanks to the stock market. I'm seldom the brightest guy or the one who has the lowest cost basis or sells at the top but I've had some incredible homeruns simply by being patient enough to wait for big technology to develop... Sunncomm and the copy-protection stuff is big technology.

If Sunncomm can nail down DarkNoise and get it to work to industry standards, then we have the holy grail and with Microsofts rabid interest in DRM, I think it's a cinch they aquire us.

Best of luck to everyone invested in Sunncomm
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07/10/04 8:28 PM

#6752 RE: merlyn #6749

merlyn There has never been a question in my mind, that everyone has their own investment objectives to meet. I also have found fault with some things Mangement from time to time either did or did not do.
However we sit and watch the action basically from the outside not being forced into making decisions that effect the company and shareholder interest and value. Yet we judge performance without proper information. Information that either can not or should not be public until it is required by law or would be beneficial to shareholders in another way .

How do you keep the intrest of shareholders when you are developing technology not knowing prior to acceptance by the record industry.By giving information that you hope will or expect to become reality.Some materializes sime does not. You have to keep focised on the future. You have no income, until sales develope through acceptance of technology" Yet results are expected , changes in stratagy may have had to be made
Last year without a doubt the Haldeman claim of a found "Shift key circumvention" was a big setback. Did management falter . NO they did not. Development continued. New contract were signed.
We now have EMI on board to a much greater degree than most even imagine. Sonopress as well, Koch, the the largest Independent label, and numerous others are also onboard. We also have the no, 1 album in Velvet Revolver.
When management is focused on selling thereby producing incime stream we find fault because they did not take time to distrinution of QTIG shares. Since the share will be distributed. The decision to focus on develping income streams wasans should be in the forefront.
I understand the frustration that some have and the need to vent. However loosing sight of the objective by repeated comments of why QTIG share distribution has not been made seems rather silly. That is however just my view andfreedom of speech allows all to voice their opinion as they see fit!