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02/01/09 9:36 PM

#2390 RE: fivexshot #2389

fivexshot.. Like you, I'm a long. But, much of what you write with seeming "authority" is not true. a few examples... Iran not "the world's second largest oil producer" (as you stated) they are a distant #4, and FYI, they are a petroleum products net importer because they have little refinery capabilities... "Patents are rock solid, and to enter a courtroom with one gives a defendant a roll of the dice at best." You are furthering another falsehood and common misconception, you apparently are not aware of some basic statistics, and the WWW is chalked full of data that is relevent to all SOLM shareholders and our legal case going forward. The following is just one broad example:

"Since the start of ex parte reexamination in 1981, there have been over nine thousand requests that the PTO revisit issued patents, averaging over five hundred annually in recent years. From 1981 through the end of 2007, the Office of the Patent Commissioner has granted over ninety percent of these ex parte reexamination requests. Out of the eight thousand requests that have been granted since the start of ex parte reexamination, six thousand and sixty resulted in a narrowing of claims. In other words, the PTO grants 92% of the reexamination requests it receives, and in 3 out of 4 of those cases, the requests are having a substantial effect on the claims."
"This data demonstrates how reexamination can help limit the impact of illegitimate patents on the public domain. With the PTO reworking 3 out of 4 patents in reexamination and often revoking the entire patent, these proceedings are clearly essential to the PTO’s continuing ability to pursue high patent quality."

As I have been warning readers here since I started posting on this thread, you need to understand the avenues of offense available to Toyota to understand SOLM's vulnerabilities and legal strategies. Study the PTO.

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02/02/09 1:40 AM

#2405 RE: fivexshot #2389

there are areas here that are sometimes quite marginal when it comes to a breach-i don't know either way but it is never as black or white as you suggest in an IP case