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02/01/09 10:32 PM

#2391 RE: kittystwigster #2390


I stand to be corrected about Iran. It is the world's 4th largest oil producer. However, I didn't grab the # 2 statement out of the sky to have seeming authority though.... I've read exactly that in a few articles which were obviously incorrect.

Aside from that error, # 4 is high enough on the totem pole of oil producers to drasticly affect fuel prices in our country if they are attacked, or react to an attack with fervor via oil flow. In a nutshell, Iran considers Israel and America as one and the same. Their enemy, plain and simple, because we have always backed Israel.

With regard to your patent data....
You believe those blog percentages if you want to. I don't. Stated percentages = inaccuracies. I call you on that, and I never said that the defendant couldn't request the re-examination of a patent through the USPTO. You need to re-read my post again, or maybe I need to re-write it to communicate with your ego?

Additionally, I HIGHLY DOUBT the estimates of 3 out of 4 patents in reexamination get reworked. You say what you want to, but your blog link doesn't convince me of that claim one bit.

Yes, I did go to the website. Thanks for the reply.