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01/13/09 1:50 AM

#34637 RE: SirZ #34636

No, he won't get the real shares until all is taken care of. the shorts have to cover and then the deal can go through.


01/13/09 1:53 AM

#34638 RE: SirZ #34636


you and everyone else fires their sell orders or calls their brokers and cashes all the shares at $1. you and everyone else is made whole and you are done... walk away. lol.

the brokers and their clearing houses then have 3 days to clear and guess what.... there are not enough shares.... does it matter to you at that point?? nope.... everyone that had open market common shares got the same deal.... a buck a share...

the clearing houses and hedgies either work the rest out in the back room or start suing each other....

if you hold your shares into this process... i don't know what happens... but I would bet that it would take a long time to get your money... and who knows what the settlement would end up looking like.... maybe you are a hero.... maybe you get the shaft.... prolly oughta take the buck a share.


01/13/09 5:57 AM

#34648 RE: SirZ #34636

We need the shorts to be FORCED to cover that is it, pure and simple. Scaring them into covering will not work. Otherwise they can continue playing the game