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Ed Monton

07/02/04 11:16 AM

#10096 RE: KastelCo #10093

Harper blew it a couple of years ago when he completely alienated the Maritimes with his culture of defeat comment.

A few more Maritime ridings would have really helped the Conservatives this time around.
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Sexton O Blake

07/02/04 11:47 AM

#10100 RE: KastelCo #10093

Mostly: Political

Hear Here!

1) Let Quebec become their own country
2) Take them over and kick them out as the English should have done in the first place
3) Get rid of the Maritimes too - along with the laid off fishermen
4) BC is next - and the forestry workers
5) We keep the prairies (AB;SK;MB) as long as they are
(A) Exporting Beef
(B) Rich with Oil
(C) Still producing wheat
(D) FP still posts on Mostly: Classical

Hard to think how about 30-35Million people can make a go on a country that is physically larger than the US. Meanwhile the US has their problems with 250-300M.

Too many people spread across too great a distance in Canada. I truely feel we in Ontario have to pay the bulk of the taxes to suppose those laid off on both coasts. I don't disagree that Quebec is taxed too much as well. (I suppose where Bell Canada took up camp is enough to tell you where the people really are located).

I agree with the voting. Heck Ontario voted for NDP a few years ago. Mulroney had a majority - announced the GST and everyone was in an uproar only to see another majority after that. I didn't vote for McGinty and I felt the Liberals are just wasting so much money I didn't vote for them either in this past election (no I couldn't vote Bloc.. :(

Dolt ends up charging us middleclass with an OHIP Premimum AND cuts out our eye tests - is that insane or what?

Health care is a huge mess and it seems that throwing money at the problem is the only cure that people can think of when instead someone should stop and figure out what the problems are and start solving them.

Kastelco - thanks for the post. I am not one to determine how true your statement of I think the Quebec separatist time has come and gone for my lifetime might be - but as long as they can continue to dangle that carrot just to piss people off in Ontario et al, they will. Something has to be done to end the debate - once and for all.

For those that might have forgotten - in the US it was called a CIVIL WAR. Meanwhile has Ireland stopped their fight?

Sexith Outh Blakith

(Edit: Marlon Brando - Dead at 80)