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07/02/04 12:03 PM

#10101 RE: Sexton O Blake #10100

Hard to think how about 30-35Million people can make a go on a country that is physically larger than the US. Meanwhile the US has their problems with 250-300M. Think of us as Chile glued to an ice cube.

I truely feel we in Ontario have to pay the bulk of the taxes to suppose those laid off on both coasts. Stupid Voters had a chance to rectify that on Monday... Speak to your neighbours ...

AND cuts out our eye tests - is that insane or what? No party yet elected has a clue... I'm so tired of posting about this... They need to go into the hospitals and clinics etc and see what's up.. The PC's in Ontario are the ones that delisted services with a vengeance... forget McGinty, even Bob Rae cut back huge... my wife took a >5% pay cut lasting years... Want to see waste look at the assisted devices programs.. look at t he middle management in hospitals that spend up time in meetings... (maybe they talk about survivor) ... look at their computer support staff... Yo are right about the money and their is no proactiveness out there...

in the US it was called a CIVIL WAR Only by the winners :o)... so it goes... Isn't that interesting that the land of Liberty and light had a far more powerful central government than us... the lovers of authority...

EDIT Thanks to tf.... GRUB 10101