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07/02/04 10:19 AM

#43818 RE: SRVNtheTROOPS #43798

dude first thank you for what all of you are diong on the behalf of the real freedom loving american people.deep inside all people of the world want to be free.the hard part is trying to show a person that has never had is like trying to tell a blind person what somthing thay have never seen looks like.back to what every one is talking about.i wish that when i went fishing i could get a bite every time i cast.what was that pumper for sadam that said there are no american troops in bagdad.boy people are sheep.first we have a new ta now we dont.if it did not come from the horse's mouth (melvin)offical company pr dont take the bait and post crap.these boards are no use.just all hot air.hold on and ride the wave.Mr.Woody Long

janice shell

07/02/04 11:45 AM

#43952 RE: SRVNtheTROOPS #43798

TAs aren't directly involved with buying and selling, so there'll be no immediate effect. BUT you need a TA (or need to be self-transfer) if you want to issue any stock.

IF we no longer have a TA how are buys and sells still going through?

Here's the deal on self-transfer: you can issue up to 500 certificates, but after that you have to apply to the SEC to become formally self-transfer. I no longer remember what that entails; maybe I'll look it up later.