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Baghdad Bob

11/06/08 2:48 AM

#108654 RE: Baghdad Bob #108653

Non A-Z Initiatives
24. The US Technical Lead provided a summary of the non A-Z initiatives (Enclosure 10) including:
a. Efficient XML (EFX)
c. Hastily Formed Covered Networks
d. SANSWIRE Skysat
Levels of interest.
25. The WG discussed the A-Z initiatives in detail and sought levels of interest from each nation for each initiative. A lead nation and POC was assigned to each initiative. The resulting matrix is included at Enclosure 11.
26. CA provided a brief on the VM Ware initiative (Enclosure 12), including an explanation of VMWARE - In essence, virtualization lets you transform the hardware resources of an x86 or Intel based computer into software. A virtual machine encapsulates an entire server environment in a file, making it possible to rapidly save, copy and provision a virtual machine. Full systems (fully configured applications, operating systems, BIOS and virtual hardware) can be moved quickly from one physical server to another for maintenance and continuous workload consolidation. Multiple virtual machines share hardware resources without interfering with each other so that you can safely run several operating systems and applications at the same time on a single, host computer. It was emphasized that VMWARE will not reduce software licensing costs nor secure the servers.
27. VMWARE was summarized. The Enterprise product, ESX Server installs on the bare metal hardware and includes a proprietary file system. The Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) which is a high performance cluster file system provides storage virtualization that is optimized for virtual machines. Alternately the free VMWARE Server installs on existing server Operating Systems (Linux or Windows) and partitions a physical server into multiple virtual machines by abstracting processor, memory, storage and networking resources.
28. An overview of the benefits of VMWARE was presented and the scope of task outlined, which includes:
a. Identify existing platforms to re-cycle as Virtual Machine Hosts;
b. Determine whether to use the ESX Server or VMWARE Server. VMWARE has offered appropriate licenses and assistance for either;
c. Determine which servers are candidates for virtualization (eXML proxy, AIS2GOLD); and
d. Determine the performance metrics for experimentation.
29. Although some nations are already operating Virtual Machine technology on their national systems, it was agreed to experiment with VMWARE, particularly with the high availability features. More specific information on VMWARE is included at Enclosures 13 and 14.
Embedded Event Manager (EEM)
30. AU provided a brief on EEM (Enclosure 15). The term embedded management is used describe the software subsystems within Cisco IOS Software that help manage, monitor, and automate actions within a router or switch running Cisco IOS Software.
31. AU has done some work investigating how EEM can be deployed. The EEM could be used as a standalone tool or in conjunction with MTR Solution to either simply monitor events or to dynamically change/modify network. At this stage AU intends to primarily use it for event monitoring rather than dynamic configuration.
FIRE Website
32. The WG developed the Objectives, Questions and the System Measures for the agreed initiatives and uploaded them into the FIRE Website, a copy is included at Enclosure 16.
33. The leads for the NETEX development were agreed; LCdr Don Allan (CA) will lead the Operators syndicate and John Chan (US) will lead the Technical syndicate.
34. CA provided a brief on AIS2GOLD (Enclosure 17). The brief included a summary of the TW AIS2GOLD experimentation goals. AIS2GOLD will allow the connection from unclassified AIS system to classified systems. The advantages of this are:
a. The ships avoids manual data entry and is able to share data with coalition ships
b. The recognized maritime picture (RMP) is able to obtain AIS data detected by ship using existing communications.
35. In summary, AIS2Gold is a cheap and simple system that allows AIS data to be put into C2 systems like GCCS and MCCIS. It allows for sharing of AIS data within a coalition of vessels using existing infrastructure.
36. The software for the AIS2Gold system was developed jointly by N6 and DRDC Atlantic. All relevant source code is owned by these agencies, therefore government owned IP.
NETEXS/survey questions
37. The EWG broke into technical and operations syndicates to develop the NETEXs and survey questions. It is expected this work will continue through to the next EWG.
Chairman’s Outbrief
38. The Chairman provided his out brief (Enclosure 18). He summarized the agreed initiatives and reviewed the objectives and questions for each one. An overview of the TW08 IPC was presented.
39. The Chairman outlined the challenges facing the WG in the lead up to the next meeting, and asked that nations be prepared to report their National participation levels for both A-Z and non A-Z initiatives, and present their initial TW ship riders and augmentation requirements. The intention is to review the technologies, objectives, and questions and modify these where necessary. The primary goal for the next EWG will be the development of a detailed RR LOE Plan.
40. In closing, the meeting schedule was updated, with the next event being the TW08 IPC 27-29 Aug and the next EWG (08/3) to be held in San Diego 26-30 Nov 07.
Other business
41. There being no further business the Chairman closed the meeting, thanking the US for hosting.

Submitted by: Approved by:

T. Cummins R.J. Sibbald
Lieutenant Commander Lieutenant Commander
Permanent Secretary Experimentation WG Chairman

List of Attendees
Chairman’s Brief
AU Update Brief
CA Update Brief
NZ Update Brief
US Update Brief
UK Update Brief
Proposed AUSCANNZUKUS Technologies
Proposed non-AUSCANNZUKUS Technologies
Initiative Levels of Interest
VMWARE Brochure
VMWARE Pricing
Embedded Event Manager (EEM)
FIRE Objectives, Questions and the System Measures
Chairman’s Out brief