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10/21/08 9:05 PM

#51 RE: righty #46

Hi righty,

whewwww you write longer "tina's ann frank diary sized" messages than I do! lol

I like roger so don't get me wrong. He and I have had pleasant conversations in the past.

To be honest with you, I was just glad to see it wasn't over $100. I heard a lot of "rumors" of what the price was going to be in the past and was relieved when I found out what it really was going to be.

I sort of see your point about the subcontractor's that are only making a couple hundred dollars suffering but IMO the guys that are compensating them at these VERY low rates are probably pocketing huge profits and paying the little guys dirt cheap. This might cause the little guys to either quit or squeeze some more $ out of the big playas to cover their ihub dues, no?

Maybe Durkk and I aren't as greedy as some of the other IRP's (not saying you). We're looking for quality "partners" that we compensate equally minus normal expenses. Now when I say, "partners," I don't just mean ihub. PAB's is on other sites as well (although ihub is at least my "home" site).

I guess it's all going to boil down to some major negotiating to cover these expenses. I handle the budget for Durkk and have everything down to a science but that's just me.

Also another thing to point out (and could be why I have a difference of opinion) is that we don't do your typical day/week market awareness campaigns. Our deals are monthly and instead of several posters, we would prefer to limit to a few good quality posters to get the company's name out there (post informative information) and not the typical three word posts or pumps so to speak (however, if others join because they're investors/traders, we can't help what they post).

I think in the end it'll work out and the big guys are just going to make a little less than before (or lose help).

Thanks for your thoughtful response and I apologize for yesterday but was just messin with ya.


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IH Admin [Shelly]

10/22/08 8:51 AM

#60 RE: righty #46

I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying you think it should be a "pay per contract" that the promoter receives? If so, I can see how folks that have very few contracts would appreciate that, but the ones that have multiple contracts at a time would likely be paying a much higher rate.

In any event, I don't see the rate plan changing at this point. The program is in it's infancy and I imagine there will be tweaks here and there as we go forward. I will note your suggestion in the event this is an area we decide needs to be revised.

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