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03/27/02 12:25 AM

#390 RE: ola #389

What's exciting about racing around in circles 500 times????

Every lap could look like a re run of the previous lap.


03/27/02 1:56 AM

#392 RE: ola #389

Touch the wall or fellow 'racer' and you're finished?

Why would you want to touch the wall or another car in the first place? I'm sure not watching bumper cars am I? Obviously that proves that nascar drivers are not that good at all. Who cares what you hit as long as you keep the car somewhere on the track and finish the race.

Open wheel racing requires much more skill which means you can not grind against each other or glance off a wall to make a pass for position. How can that possibly be racing? If I wanted to see bumping and knocking on the wall, I would head down to a dance club!

Can't forget about the brake pedal. I'm suprised they even have them in a nascar. Oh yea, almost forgot, they have to slow down every other lap for the pace car! Gotta make sure the track is dry and not a spot of oil on it. We all know Nascar drivers can't handle the car breaking loose occassionally and actually having to use the steering wheel to turn the car go in the right direction. Anyways, they would just bounce off the wall and continue down the track as they don't have any driving skills.

No excitement in F1? You gotta be confused there. Similar to raging hockey fan; nascar fan is the typical redneck, wide waisted, alcoholic drinking, 4 months behind on rent, no underwear wearer, cowboy wannabe, trailer trash living individual. In F1, everything about it is exciting. All sorts of exotic places are visited, money is everywhere, beautiful girls fill the paddock, celebrities are frequently at the races, people actually use cell phones, a ball is held every race weekend, and the races end with champagne flowing. You can't forget this one thing either, Monaco, Monaco, Monaco.

Everything about F1 has a sexy appeal to it. The sport is more sophisticated and that is why most Americans don't watch it. Some of the least sophisticated people are found here. Hopefully with 4 of the races this year held on ABC people will come to understand the sport a bit better with all that it is has to offer. Tune in, watch it, get educated about the sport, and people will love it.

Carpe Diem


03/27/02 8:57 AM

#396 RE: ola #389


"Would you address: "touch the wall/fellow car and you are fini"?"

Uh, your point is? I seem to recall 1/3 of the field being taken out in a recent NASCAR race, for just those reasons.

"In F-1 you are racing the track, not another car/driver...might as well address that also."

Simply not true. You are racing both in F1.

In NASCAR the pit crew is more important than the driver, or car, to the finishing position.
