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07/06/08 6:39 PM

#105653 RE: ColeThornton #105649

Apparently the moderator didn't like my original response so let's try it this way.

I asked you questions and got a private response that didnt answer all the questions. You said that you invested in this company due to the LOC regarding the Russian deal and not the Strat. Now you are obsessed because you lost money on that deal but you target your anger against people that weren't involved in that decision and you ignore the ones that did. Tell us who the decision makers were regarding that venture and if they are still around?

You call this company a fraud yet ignore that all those from the past that made the decisions are no longer around. That doesnt stop you from bringing up the past in every post. What relevance do those former employees play in today's company?

I asked you if the Strat was viable and you said it was viable yet not with this company and you based that upon past performance from former employees no longer employed and who failed to get the Strat into the air. That too me doesnt make any sense.

You have been asked how this company still is operating and we get silence. Some have claimed it is through dilution yet even you must know that worthless stock doesnt pay the bills and thus current funding cannot be coming from stock because according to you there isnt anything of value here so why would anyone buy stock in a worthless company?

Could it be that TAO has more credibility than you give them credit for? Could it be that the Strat is viable and further along than at any time during the Tim Huff era? Could it be that you are getting some kind of benefit from your negative posts and efforts to keep the price down?

You certainly are passionate against this company for someone not getting any benefit from your posts. I am a shareholder in this company and everytime I send an email I get a response. They still are operating and keeping the lights on. that must really gall you.