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07/06/08 7:17 PM

#105655 RE: jfburk #105653

"Tell us who the decision makers were regarding that venture and if they are still around?"

What difference does it make? Many if any of the problems, including the "fraud" and the SEC investigation and charges of "fraud", do not even relate to the Russian fiasco. The Russian fiasco was merely the tipping point that started the snow ball effect and exposed the corruption and fraud that is GlobeTel. And I'm not going to play this silly, "who were the decision makers" game. We have no idea who the "real" decision makers are or were concerning all the issues. We do know that of the seven people left, none of them are "new" and most have been with the company for years!

And I have never "ignored" those involved in the Russian deal...

I have consistently said I hope everyone involved in the corruption and fraud at GlobeTel gets exactly what they deserve!!! And at this point, I don't think Tim Huff did.

"I asked you if the Strat was viable and you said it was viable yet not with this company and you based that upon past performance from former employees no longer employed and who failed to get the Strat into the air. That too me doesnt make any sense."

That's fine, but "I" believe, if a company working with NASA, with former NASA people and those with Air Force experience and millions of dollars to work with can't get it done...
It is even less likely that the same company when broke, down to 7 employees, working with some Professor that has never accomplished anything commercially successful, can do it.

"You have been asked how this company still is operating and we get silence."

This simply isn't true, I have answered this many times.

"Could it be that TAO has more credibility than you give them credit for?"

If you want to make this assertion, then prove it... Why can't you answer the most basic questions about TAO...

How many employees do they have?

What was there gross revenue from sales last year?

Were they profitable?

What are their best selling products?

What are their largest contracts?

What are their assets and liabilities?

The last time someone asked me why I wouldn't invest in GlobeTel, I gave them at least 20 reasons!

If you believe in TAO, why can't you answer even the most basic questions about them?

"Could it be that the Strat is viable and further along than at any time during the Tim Huff era?"

How could this possibly be when we just found out what we thought was the strat isn't even the strat any more... it's a pathetic joke jfburk!

PS Once again I will avoid the off topic questions, which I have answered many times before.